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<code>It has been several months since Ugaki has been away from his hometown and since he has not sent any message or sign of life to his mother, except for a large amount of money that arrives in Ugaki's mother's account every month. The last message Ugaki had sent to his mother by mail was that he had found a job while studying for his degree and could afford to help her financially on a permanent basis, which has relieved Ugaki's mother a lot, but that doesn't stop her from worrying about her son since he doesn't even go home to visit on holidays. Ugaki's mother thinks that maybe Ugaki must be too busy with his work and college, but it's not like Ugaki to just disappear and send money, although she tries not to think too much about that situation for his mental health. In addition, the money Ugaki sends is very useful to financially help his older daughter, Uehara, who has stayed in the village to take care of her mother, who is already at an advanced age.

On the other hand, Uehara, in a more carefree way than her mother, believes that Ugaki will surely be fine, even though generally what bothers Uehara the most is that her mother stops giving attention to her because she is constantly thinking about Ugaki, making Uehara feel jealous of Ugaki. It is not the first time that Uehara has had problems with Ugaki even, as even in general Uehara has always gotten along badly with his brother, to the point that Uehara considers Ugaki to be just a lucky idiot, and they usually can't see each other for long without Uehara ending up insulting or assaulting Ugaki in some way.

However, despite the fact that Uehara gets along so badly with her brother Ugaki, she thinks it is necessary to investigate what has happened with her brother, since all that situation and all that amount of money seems extremely suspicious to her, she does not believe that her brother Ugaki has the ability to study and work and also earn so much to pay for his studies and all his expenses and that, in addition, he has enough left over to send money to his mother, so Uehara thinks she should check what her brother is doing for herself and see for herself, and that will surely reassure her mother and get clearer answers as to why Ugaki is no longer coming to visit, even though Uehara imagines that, logically, if what Ugaki says is true, then he probably doesn't have much time for himself and the family anymore.

Uehara quite curious to know if Ugaki has finally managed to go out with that girl that Ugaki told his mother that he likes, Sakura, since Ugaki has not been very skillful to deal with the girls, so Uehara is dying of curiosity to know if they have finally been able to consolidate a relationship, as Ugaki said in the last letters, or if really everything is a lie of Ugaki and really he has not been able to become Sakura's boyfriend. Uehara, who does not have a bit of faith in his brother, considers that this is the most probable, since Uehara would never understand how a loser like his brother would have managed to be boyfriend of a woman as beautiful, rich and charismatic as Sakura, a woman that by the way Uehara also admires and sees as an example to follow, at least judging by how Ugaki had described her in his letters and in his talks when he used to visit his family.
[Drawing 1]

Finally, after several days of preparation and a few hours of travel, Uehara has arrived in the city where her brother lives. She, who is a woman from a smaller city in a more rural setting, can't help but marvel at the amount of technology and large skyscrapers around, something Uehara had only seen in magazines.

After Uehara walked around the center of the city for several minutes looking around, she finally gets ready to go to the address from which the last letter Ugaki was sent, since Ugaki never told her, for some reason, the address of the apartment where he supposedly lives. It was a very unwelcome surprise for Uehara to see that the address where the letters come from is an apartment in one of those huge skyscrapers in the center of the city, showing the progress Ugaki has made in life and so now she feels even more jealous. Uehara feels that she has everything that Ugaki has, and they are even very similar physically, with the exception that she is female and therefore has longer hair, and Uehara is also overall more talented than Ugaki in every aspect of life and education that they can both encompass, so she feels that, if Ugaki has prospered in life, she has more right to prosper in life than he does because she is more talented in everything than he is.

Finally, after going up the elevator and arriving at the door that coincides with the address from which the letters are sent, Uehara knocks on the door waiting for Ugaki to answer. Several minutes pass and suspiciously no one answers, but while Uehara waits at the door, someone touches Uehara's shoulder, causing Uehara to turn her face to see who is touching her, something that is not very common, especially if it is a woman.
[Drawing 2]</code>

To Uehara's surprise, that green-haired woman matches the appearance of the woman who appears in the photos with Ugaki, the photos that he mailed to his mother. Uehara then wastes no time and introduces herself as Ugaki's sister, and then proceeds to ask Sakura if she is the woman that her brother talks so much about and if they are related in any way, besides asking where her brother was.

<code>On the other hand, Sakura ignores for a moment the questions of Uehara while she is totally impressed with her appearance. She knew that Ugaki had a sister, but not that she was so beautiful and that she was like him, which causes that the first thing that Sakura wants is to take possession of Uehara as one more in her collection. Immediately afterwards, Sakura reveals to her that yes, she has some type of "relationship" with her brother and that he works with her as a model for her company. Then Sakura, before leaving Uehara to continue with any other question, asks Uehara if she doesn't want to try to be a model for a day too, while Ugaki finishes his duties in his work, to then take Uehara by the hand before she answers and walks with her towards the basement of the building, while Uehara, who is a little surprised, accepts the proposal while she walks towards where Sakura takes her.
[Drawing 3]

After several minutes walking through the wide corridors of the building and after several elevators, they finally reach the basement of the building and enter a kind of bath with tubs with some strange substance of radioactive green color, indicating to Uehara that she should take a bath with those special hot springs before continuing her day as a model and that after that she should look for her in her office on the top floor, giving her the number of the floor and the door where she should look for. Although Uehara looks rather strangely at those hot springs, radioactive green in color, she, after all, as the small-town girl that she is, considers that there would be nothing to fear from the color of the water, and surmises that surely, they must contain some kind of special soap or disinfectant. However, Uehara can't help but be surprised by the result. Suddenly his hair has turned blond, and her skin has turned a bronze color, as if she had been tanning for several days on the beach in the sun. At that moment Uehara goes to look for Sakura very upset by the effects of that green bath, arriving naked up to the top floor. Finally, when Uehara is right in front of Sakura claiming her what happened, a guard subdues her and she receives a pinch in her neck, feeling quickly a strange and exciting heat running through it, until finally being unconscious.
[Drawing 4]

Several hours of proceedings later, Sakura has finally expanded her collection again, and is happy with the result, as she strokes the hair of her new doll, which now occupies a place next to her other favorite doll, who used to be Ugaki.
[Drawing 5]</code>


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