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Summer is approaching and the school year is almost over, and Clare, an 18-year-old high school cheerleader in her senior year, still can't finish all her projects and her grades are in jeopardy. Indeed, if Clare fails to pass all her classes, she will have to continue taking classes the following year and fall a full year behind to get into college. There is one subject in particular, biology, that she still can't pass since she didn't do very well on the test and hasn't even started her final project, especially since she spent most of the year partying with the cheerleading squad and other popular people at her school. Clare knows she is running out of options so, one day, she has decided to go to the home of her teacher, Mark, in order to dissuade him no matter what the cost to pass the subject.

However, Clare doesn't know where her teacher lives, so she must follow her teacher after cheerleading club practice, which is not easy, as the teacher lives outside the city, and she had to call a cab to follow the teacher's car and ask the cab to be stealthy so that teacher Mark wouldn't notice he was being followed. After so many turns and the long drive, as Mark pulls the car into the garage of his house, Clare gets out of the cab and finally finds herself in front of the teacher's house. That situation begins to seem a little strange to Clare, as she has no idea why the teacher lives so far out of town, in what appears to be a country house, in a neighborhood where there are very few people and a lot of space between houses. Clare assumes that perhaps Professor Mark likes less crowded and more spacious places, although it seems odd to Clare since most people aspire to live close to where they work. In any case, Clare doesn't want to waste time, since the long distance could take her a long time to get home when she finishes dissuading Professor Mark, and Clare knows that it would be scandalous if she didn't return home one night and had to tell the truth about being at Professor Mark's house, something that could cause bad thoughts among her classmates and could subject her to public scorn. She even decided not to say anything about where she was going after practice to her classmates or anyone she knew.

Clare then walks up to the door and rings the bell, waiting impatiently for the professor to open the door, all the while feeling a weird atmosphere due to the unusualness of the situation. After two minutes, finally, Professor Mark opens the door, and Mark can't help but be surprised by Clare's unannounced visit. Finally, Mark invites Clare to come in and sit in his living room, and Clare comes in and sits down in a dusty old armchair, as he begins to look at the pictures in Mark's living room. One of them shows him with a couple in a wedding day photo, something that surprises Clare as she thought Mark was a bachelor or widower as he has never commented that he has a wife and always seems to be a very lonely teacher. From the looks of the place and the amount of dust, Clare can intuit that Professor Mark doesn't date often. Without wasting any more time, Clare comments to the teacher the problem she has with her subject, to which Mark answers that maybe, if she accepts, he will be able to retake the final exam of the subject and he will be able to tutor her especially at home so that she can pass the subject.
[Drawing 1]

Clare, desperate with the situation, tells Mark that there is no need for her to take extra tutoring, and even offers Mark something unexpected for him. Clare offers to do a special favor "of any kind" for the professor in exchange for him passing her in her subject. Mark smiles and can't help but laugh a little, nods his head for a few seconds and proceeds to offer Clare a drink. She believes in her mind that Mark has taken the bait and so she will have one less problem and a subject passed easily without any effort while still attending school parties. Mark then tells Clare to fetch a bottle of wine and two glasses from his kitchen, which is at the back right, to which Clare obeys and goes to the place. As she goes to the kitchen, once she turns right into the hallway, she finds that there is an open door, through which the kitchen is clearly visible, but there is also another door ajar to the left. Clare can't help but be curious about what is there and proceeds to enter the door on the left. Once Clare enters the place and turns on the light, she regrets making that decision.
[Drawing 2]

Behind that door is a wide room from the door to the other end, with several sex doll stands with a dozen sex dolls sitting there. Clare can't believe that her teacher, Mark, is a sex doll maniac, yet there is something that strikes her even more about that strange situation. The sex dolls in that room are so realistic that they look like they are or were real people. How much money would Mark have spent to have so many realistic sex dolls as part of his belongings? But as she goes deeper and deeper into the room, finds something else even creepier.
[Drawing 3]

For some reason there are two sex dolls with very particular appearances. One of them is identical to who appears to be Mark's wife, or at least she assumes so since she has a face identical to the woman who was in the photo. Also, that sex doll has a hybrid wedding dress with somewhat sexy lingerie. On the other hand, more disturbing would be the other sex doll along with her, as she has a face resembling a classmate who was also a senior along with her. Since Clare was not friends or on particularly good terms with that other classmate, Sarah, she never inquired further about her disappearance, only finding it particularly odd at the time that she simply disappeared one day, as if she had been swallowed up by the earth. Also, suspiciously, that sex doll identical to Sarah also has a school uniform, even though it is not the same school uniform as her school. Also, it seems that the sex doll has some spasm, although Clare quickly resolves that it must be the work of her imagination that the doll moves even a little or, perhaps, it is such a modern doll that it has a vibrator built into its body to emulate movement.
[Drawing 4]

Sarah, just to confirm the resemblance, takes out her cell phone and searches the social networks for a photo of Sarah. Coincidentally, she finds that police image that shows her as missing, and without a doubt the resemblance is identical. That gets Clare thinking about how sick the teacher must be to have a sex doll identical to a missing woman. Clare then has a bad feeling and wonders to herself: what if Mark is somehow involved in Sarah's disappearance? It seems like such a coincidence that Mark has a doll so realistic and so identical to Sarah... What if he did something to Sarah to turn her into a sex doll? Clare was startled for a moment, and then started to think about it over and over again about that possibility, she understands that it must not be possible to turn a person into a sex doll. Meanwhile and unexpectedly, someone catches Clare from behind and puts a wet handkerchief on her face. The smell of the substance with which the handkerchief is impregnated is so penetrating that her vision begins to blur and almost instantly Clare is unconscious.
[Drawing 5]

Sometime later, which could perhaps be hours, although it is indecipherable to an unconscious Clare, she opens her eyes, and her vision begins to clear little by little. She turns to all sides but only sees various medical equipment and a large container with a fuscia-colored substance with a small tube that seems to be coming towards her. Clare tries to move but can't move a muscle, as if they are numb as she lies her body limp on a bed, even though she has some spasms, as she feels a sense of warmth and excitement spread throughout her body. Meanwhile Mark watches as his next creation begins to take shape, as Clare's skin becomes brighter and brighter and as the fuchsia liquid begins to mix with her blood until it mimics her. Mark is sure that Clare will no longer have to worry about her grades, since from now on she will have a simpler life full of pleasure as his favorite sex doll, that's what he does with bad girls who try to pass his subject without any effort in exchange for sexual favors, as it happened to Sarah, or when they cheat on him, as it happened with his wife Beatrice.
[Drawing 6]

Days later, well into summer vacation, Mark thinks it's time to put his new sex doll to rest and proceeds to carefully place it on it stand in the sex doll room, while someone tapes a "missing" sign with Clare's face on it to a pole outside.
[Drawing 7]


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