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Jack is a young hypnotherapist who recently got his degree, just three years ago. He considered his future to be bright, as he was the top student in his class and graduated with honors, so he couldn't wait to see what awaited him. However, Jack's worst enemy is himself and his poor work ethic, Jack himself thinks as he sees a photo of him holding his college degree while smoking a cigarette, in front of a box full of Jack's personal belongings, three years after finishing university.

Fate has played a trick on Jack and his unorthodox treatment ideas have finally been discovered. Some other doctors and hypnotherapists called him abusive, or even crazy, but at that time he did not see what the problem was, while giving treatment to a patient with depression and excessive stress, a treatment that was done with the patient consent, especially since the patient was gasping for Jack to give her more and more treatment, having uncontrolled and morbid sex on top of his office desk. For Jack and for the patient there was nothing wrong with that, but for the other doctors and the institution in which he worked, for which he was expelled. Now Jack smokes as he watches his bright future slip through his fingers. Jack couldn't help but talk to himself in his mind and inquire about what he has done wrong in life and how he should rectify his path, or maybe are others wrong about him and perhaps his tactics are too far ahead of his time?

Finally, before sunset, Jack packs up his things and leaves his office, never to return, now finding himself banned from any mental or counseling facility in the entire county, causing Jack to seriously consider whether he should move to another city or county where they do not know his black history. However, it seems that fortune smiled at Jack again when, walking down the street in the direction of his house, he finds a curious small one-story building with some mannequins, although in this case and for now, empty. In that place, right there at the door to access said building, there is a logo and a sign that says "Live mannequin rental agency"

Jack is then sure of what he should do, because in the face of everything he has to pay in compensation for damages to his previous job and with all his skills ready to be used and continue to develop them to perfection, even if in Jack's opinion He is very close now, there is only one thing left for him to do: enter that store and offer his skills and knowledge as a hypnotherapist to form the best living mannequins that the county has ever seen. This, in addition to being a new opportunity to make a new path in his career, also has a lot of potential to have fun and always make the most of the circumstances that come his way. As always, Jack is always very optimistic about his future every time a new opportunity presents itself, since he sees all the possibilities pass through his eyes and start setting goals for himself. Jack only needed to present himself at the manager's office of said place and list all his skills to be quickly hired without having to pass any additional exam or psychometric test, since it is seen that Jack is clearly a sane person and knows a lot about his specialty.
[Drawing 1]

The days go by and after Jack is hired, he was quickly promoted as head of recruitment and training of new staff. In that same direction, Jack now has all the tools and power possible within the company to make his human mannequins as detailed as he wants. It didn't take long for it to have a synapse and develop new methodologies required for the new context. Many people today are looking for part-time jobs that allow them to get in and out instead of being tied to a job for life, so thanks to an application for temporary jobs, Jack found many potential candidates. In addition, Jack also sold the job with its hours and days as a simultaneous psychological rest, something that turned out to be a great success, but, what filled Jack with joy more than success, is still continuing to dedicate himself to hypnosis, which he loves most in life, Jack thinks as he sees two human mannequins that he recruited as main attractions in the shopping window from the agency.
[Drawing 2]

However, Jack thinks one day while doing his work with a candidate, it is obvious that the level of hypnosis they achieve is not achieved just by moving a watch in front of someone, telling them what to have and then waiting hours later, because, obviously, hypnosis is not magic and it doesn't work like that. It all starts with a long period of initial training required, and when the candidate is ready, the hypnosis has to be reinforced weekly or sometimes daily, going deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper, to lengthen the duration. Jack takes his job very seriously, as he watches one of his candidates wait in the rain for two and a half hours while the clock ticks down. For Jack, his models can't just be beginners, for him, his models have to be ready to strike any pose they are asked to strike no matter what kind of pose it is, in any environment, and for any length of time deemed necessary. Jack, on a different day, thinks his models have to be as disciplined as the queen's guard, if not more disciplined, so he does such harsh "destructive tests" as pulling the model's cheeks continuously or emitting a shrill sound in her ear, to check that they are still under hypnotic control.
[Drawing 3]

It is after so much training and preparation, when for Jack finally from a normal model or candidate, have resulted the smallest human mannequins, almost indistinguishable from a real mannequin, or so Jack thinks while contemplating his creations.
[Drawing 4]


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