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Ugaki is a 20-year-old boy who attends college. He doesn't have a lot of money and he is in a prestigious university thanks to a scholarship, even though he barely has enough for the minimum expenses of his survival and the school. Despite his poverty, he is usually quite optimistic and works hard to maintain the scholarship, something that is not so easy in his situation, since a classmate, Sakura, with who he is deeply in love, this implies for him a distraction. Even though Ugaki doesn't have the courage to tell Sakura how he feels about her, still at least they are very good friends and talk a lot, which only distracts Ugaki from his studies and wastes time with her, who is, on the other hand, the daughter of a powerful businessman in the world of idols, so she, Will most likely inherit her father's company, does not make an effort to get good grades, and that is why, by losing time to Ugaki, a bad influence on him.

To Ugaki's bad luck, the days go by and it turns out that, due to a lower grade, he has lost the scholarship and therefore it is possible that he will not be able to continue with his studies due to not being able to pay for them. However, it seems that this time the solution would come from Sakura. While the two were talking over lunch and while Ugaki explained the situation to Sakura, Sakura told him that maybe he could work part-time at his father's company, since they were looking for employees to serve as capture models. movement for 3D models used to make figures as well as to make animations and a lot of other things. Ugaki is usually a bit lazy to work, and he fears that by working part-time his academic performance may be further affected, though it's not like he really has any alternatives. Ugaki has to work, or he will lose the school year, he accepts the offer and heads to the address that Sakura gave him

It seems that the place is a huge and imposing building for financial services and other uses that is owned by Sakura's family, in the commercial area of ​​the city. However, once he enters the office indicated by the address Sakura gave him, he is met with a surprise. Turns out the job he's supposed to do is motion capture for a 3D model of a girl, and not a guy, which makes him mad, but from what he's been told, the pay is good, and it’s only a 4-hour shift. , so perhaps he does not have many options and if he does not work there doing that simple activity to be able to pay all his expenses, he may have to look for another job that is more tiring and distracts him more from his studies, so despite all this, accepts, still offended by the fact because the people who interviewed him thought he was a girl because of his thin and effeminate look

Being so, then at that very moment the interviewers tell Ugaki that he has been hired for the job, and that this will be his first day. Ugaki feels somewhat surprised by the news, although on the other hand he feels quite confident of himself and also at the same time feels much calmer having found the solution to be able to pay for his school and survival expenses, especially all because Ugaki would hate to disappoint his mother, who he left in his hometown and promised to return one day with her to take her to the city and to give her a better life for her and for both of them, for what Ugaki is willing to do all the corresponding sacrifices for that to happen.
[drawing 1]

Then Ugaki's new boss in his new job tells him that before putting on the suit that will facilitate the capture of movements by a camera and special laser sensors, he must go to the dressing rooms and bathe by immersing his body except his head for half an hour in a tub with a green substance that is there, since the effect that this green substance has on the skin facilitates the reflection of light by the body and, therefore, facilitates the capture of movement by the instruments they have for it. Ugaki, somewhat fearful, especially because of the color of that substance in that tub, accepts without knowing much about chemistry.

Ugaki quickly enters the locker room, which to his surprise is completely empty, and immerses himself in one of those tubs filled with phosphorescent green liquid. To Ugaki's surprise, that substance, identical in consistency to water, is somewhat warm and comfortable, like being in a sauna. And he submerges his entire body except his head, just as his boss told him. Ugaki starts to think about his and Sakura's future as he relaxes, and thinks, above all, what should he do to please Sakura? To have a lot of money? Tell her how he feels about her? Ugaki is filled with deep thoughts as his face blushes while he feels a strange but comfortable warmth in his crotch and in his pecs.

Half an hour later, Ugaki wakes up to a big surprise. What the hell has happened!? Ugaki thinks. Suddenly his little friend, his penis, has disappeared, and now he has his body completely smooth down there, like a doll...Also her black hair has grown and looks even more like that of a girl. While his pectorals have mutated in some way and have become curvaceous and perfect breasts.
[Drawing 2]

Ugaki then quickly puts on the full body latex suit and goes to ask his boss about it. His boss tells him that his body modification is temporary and that he shouldn't worry about it, and that later when he takes a bath, his private parts will reappear in his body. Ugaki, nervous, and having a bad feeling, doesn't have many options to maneuver about it either, ends up accepting the information provided by his boss. Then his boss tells him to comb his hair into two big black pigtails so that it's as little in the way as possible while posing, and then tells him to position himself in front of various sensors that are shaped like a laser beam and a strange and huge camera in a room where the background is completely white, Ugaki follows the order and waits for more orders to know in which position he has to stand. His boss instructs Ugaki to strike a cute pose on one leg, bending the other leg behind him with his hands and arms in a “scratching” position as if he were a catgirl. Ugaki, embarrassed, follows the directions and his face can't help but to blush.
[Drawing 3]

Suddenly his boss activates a button and several blue rays come out of the devices. It doesn't take long for Ugaki to notice that he's suddenly unable to move, unable to hide his nerves as his heart beats very, very fast. Finally, his boss presses a second button and suddenly Ugaki's vision begins to distort rapidly, and he feels as if he is falling into a dark and infinite abyss. At that very moment, Ugaki regrets going there and wonders what the hell is going on, or if it's some hallucination of his, until after several minutes, which for him feels like hours or days, his vision clears up. Suddenly everything has become giant around him, and finally, his boss grabs him with his giant hand. It seems that Ugaki has been dwarfed for some reason, but he can't move, can't even complain to his boss about it or ask for an explanation, while his boss put him in a plastic bag and vacuum seals it. Ugaki, accustomed to breathing, even though he may no longer need it in his new form, being sealed in the bag ends up totally knocked out.
[Drawing 4]

Finally, days later he wakes up in Sakura's hands. Ugaki, frightened and terrified, even though he can't move, feels ashamed for now being a little doll in the hands of his beloved, but there's not much he can do, other than the palpitations that wander through his body involuntarily. . Then Sakura caresses Ugaki and is happy that his request has finally arrived. Sakura mentions Ugaki by his name, which confuses Ugaki a lot, so Sakura knew what was happening all along?

Sakura kindly puts his doubts to rest by telling Ugaki that she is a refined doll collector and that she couldn't let the possibility of adding him to her collection slip through her hands, although she also tells him that he can stop worrying about the future of his mother, since they will pay her a pension for life so that he does not worry.

Ugaki can't help but feel confused and feel a mixture of anger, relief and uncertainty, as he feels Sakura's finger caressing his new breasts, but the kind Sakura decides to help him deal with it, then Ugaki feels a point of on his neck. A large syringe entering his veins, while a strange fuchsia liquid flows and his eyes begin to change to a fuchsia color, while Sakura tells him about the benefits of being a doll and the new future that awaits him.
[Drawing 5]

Finally, there is Ugaki, unrecognizable, posing on a figure stand, along with many, many more figures of past identity completely unknown to anyone else. Now Ugaki is happy, carefree and just enjoying his new relationship with Sakura in his new life as Sakura's favorite doll.
[Drawing 6]


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