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The days have passed in Mondstadt while Amber has been missing for all that time, the townspeople search for her incessantly everywhere and the Knights of Favonius begin to think that Amber has been kidnapped by some person or something from outside. No one knows for sure where Amber is, not even Eula, who has been depressed since Amber's disappearance because she couldn't give Amber her gift on February 14th. However, she feels some peace in her when she plays with the puppet she gotten that looks so like Amber. Eula spent a lot of time, from dawn to dusk, playing with her Amber puppet every day to distract herself a little, even if that means neglecting her work. A night like any other Eula is playing with the puppet again as she thinks about what she must do to find the real Amber. On the other hand, while Eula plays with the puppet, she keeps thinking that this doll is so realistic, and so like the original Amber, that for a moment she thought that maybe that toy could be the real Amber turned into a toy, but really? is that possible? However, before Eula could continue to guess about Amber's whereabouts, a shadow appeared behind her. Before she could do anything, suddenly her body was shrunken, and black ribbons came out of the deepest darkness trapping her from all her limbs.
[Drawing 1]

Immediately after that Eula was put into a bag full of darkness in which she could not do anything, she could not move even if she tried, the darkness is so deep that it makes Eula meditate on her very existence, since being inside from that bag, unable to move, and even without breathing, even though for some reason she no longer needs to breathe to be conscious, makes her feel in a strange state of non-existence. Suddenly Eula is taken out of the bag and feels a soft and comfortable hand under her while the light from outside blinds her. Eula's vision gradually clears until she finally recognizes Lisa, but what is Lisa doing there and what is really happening? Eula thinks. Then Eula is dressed in a little blue leotard and tied to the black ribbons again, and, to her surprise, she now sees in greater detail Amber, or Amber's puppet, who now seen so closely and under current circumstances seems to Eula finally understands what has been going on. It seems that someone, perhaps Lisa, has turned Amber and herself,, into puppets, but why would Lisa do that? Eula tries to talk to Lisa but she can't talk or move, unless someone pulls the strings that serve as puppet strings and that control each of her limbs, and at the same time Eula's mind begins to cloud more and more inevitably since, being deprived of her Vision, her mind begins to become confused and her perspective of reality begins to distort, until she is not sure if she is a person or has always been a doll or a puppet. Meanwhile, Lisa in her mind is proud to have found that strange but interesting merchant with the ability to conveniently turn people into toys, something that Lisa found useful in order to see one of her fantasies come true, to see Amber and Lisa pair up romantically.

[Drawing 2]

So, Lisa wasted no time and, desperate not to get Eula to play dirty with Amber when Amber was Eula's puppet, once Eula has been turned into a puppet too, now it will be inevitable that someone will play dirty with both of them by pairing them both up somehow. So, Lisa, after playing several minutes with her new puppets, goes for a wedding cake that she has been saving for that occasion. Lisa quickly dresses her new puppets in wedding dresses and, after making Amber and Eula hug each other and give each other some puppet love, she decides to place them sitting on top of the cake, while Lisa starts cutting a slice and eating it, regretting that Eula and Amber were not there as people to savor that cake, even though at least they are as their new dolls on that day that Lisa considers their wedding day.

[Drawing 3]

Finally, to end that long and tiring night, Lisa changes her puppets' clothes again and makes them dance for hours on end in a strange but interesting dance based on their combat moves, wearing dresses reminiscent of their powers, while the two puppets forget more and more that they were once people due to the absence of their Visions, since without these artifacts, their bearers tend to forget who they are. So, after so many hours, Lisa thinks maybe it's time to stop playing and go to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day to play with her new marionettes and tomorrow she will think how long she will have them like this before they begin to suspect her in some way or the absence of both causes some greater chaos.
[Drawing 4]

However, later, after several hours, shortly before dawn, while Lisa was sleeping comfortably and soundly, then a strange shadow peeks through her door. Lisa couldn't prevent the possibility that, perhaps, that strange merchant from outside with the ability to turn her victims into toys would come back for her. Defenseless Eula is attacked while she sleeps by a powerful ray of fuchsia light launched by that merchant and, from one moment to another, finally, the merchant's collection seemed complete, as Lisa was now joined to her. Lisa swore revenge in her thoughts without being able to move or put up a fight, yet she could do nothing about it, while the merchant bragged about finally getting new merchandise for her traveling shop. Also, since Lisa was the only one who knew about Eula and Amber's transformation into puppets and the merchant's transformation skills, besides the merchant himself, now there is no one who is aware of the situation where the three puppets now are passing and probably no one will be able to save them from their uncertain fate soon.

[Drawing 5]

The next day Lisa found herself in this strange and complex situation, being displayed in her lingerie behind a glass box in the small street market of that strange, suspicious and, now from her perspective, malevolent merchant, Lisa floated in an awkward position thanks to the magic that the merchant impregnated in the glass boxes, while promising to free the three from the fateful destiny in which she has put them, while her mind begins to deteriorate and become confused about whether she is a doll or not according to the effects of the magic. absence of their Vision increases more and more…

[Drawing 6]


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