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Everything seems that February 14 will be a normal day for Amber, even though she would like to be around in the city receiving visitors and eating chocolates, she finds the mission she has achieved as an explorer that day interesting: finding an Abyss Mage who it is believed to be related to the disappearance of several women in the surroundings of Mondstadt. Some of her fellow Knights of Favonius suggested that perhaps she should be accompanied by one of them, but she did not accept the offers since she wants to show that she is worth as much as an adult, since she is already 18 years old, as an explorer and as a member of the Knights of Favonius capturing that Abyss Mage by herself. Besides, it’s surely a common Abyss Mage like any other she's seen before, what's the worst that could happen? Amber thinks.

After several hours wandering through the forest, it seems that that Abyss Mage will not let her work be that easy, in addition to the fact that it seems to be well organized with its companions because Amber has not seen any Abyss Mage along her way, as if they knew she was looking for them and chose to hide from her. All this puzzles and worries Amber but she never gives up and always ends up seeing life in an optimistic way, which this time will not be the exception, she hopes to receive the just reward and recognition for her hard work after capture the target. After a couple more hours, close to sunset, but still daytime and with enough light illuminating the vast fields surrounding Amber for her to perceive any target in the distance, Amber seems to hear the voice of an Abyss Mage whisper close to her. So, she follows the sound, which, as it seems to get closer to its source, increases in volume, so she is more and more sure that, finally, she has found an Abyss Mage who, hopefully, it’s the one she’s looking for but if not, perhaps she can interrogate him intensively in the best way she knows so that he can say where the objective of that mission is.

However, after reaching what seems to be the closest point from which the sound is generated, to the point that Amber thinks she can even hear the Abyss Mage uttering something imperceptible, upon reaching just that point, it seems that the whispers they have stopped and there has only been an absolute and sepulchral silence that is shortly followed by the breeze of the field, something that is gloomy for Amber. She wonders where that sound and its source may have gone, which, above all, indicated that it was an Abyss Mage or, perhaps, Amber thinks, her mind has played a trick on her and what she has heard has really been the product of some hallucination of hers? Amber can't believe it, because those whispers, although indescribable, phonetically seemed to be very clear and very recognizable as the characteristic sounds made by the Abyss Mage, so Amber can't give up there after such a long and intense search… Perhaps, Amber thinks, the Abyss Mage who was talking or making noise has been silenced by hearing the roar of the grass being stepped on by Amber's own walking, so she starts to turn in all possible directions while standing at the point where the whispers grew louder and clearer for the last time. It seems that as much as she looks and however thoroughly she searches, no Abyss Mage seems to rear his head or make themselves visible for capture or interrogation. However, just before Amber decides to leave the place, she suddenly receives a strong attack that seems to be lightning, coming from behind a tree. Amber considered in the short time she had to think as she was attacked that it was probably an elemental attack, even though it turned out to look something else. In reality. Amber suddenly felt… oddly fluffy?

[Drawing 1]

Then Amber falls into the green grass, she quickly realizes that she can't move an inch of her body while looking up at the sky, because she can't move her gaze anywhere else either, and at that moment she sees appear in her range of sight an strange Abyss Mage. Amber, confused, tries as hard as she can to move to capture and interrogate him, but unluckily for her, that is no longer an option. Suddenly everything becomes a blur to Amber's memories, and she only feels that she is in a dark and moving place. The fate of Amber herself was a total unknown to her, until, finally, the light illuminates her gaze and, as she is taken out of a paper bag and put on display, she sees her reflection in the glass of that display case in which she had been placed. Amber realizes her terrible fortune when she clearly perceives that she has been turned into, well, a Baron Bunny plushie, just like the ones she uses. She doesn't remember at any time giving anyone permission to build identical exploding rabbit plushies like hers without paying her any kind of royalty or anything, until she realizes that the Baron Bunny was herself, or at least her new form. Amber does not know how to react, she believes that some merchant has brought her back to Mondstadt to be sold in a toy store on February 14, and she only had to wait for someone to recognize her, buy her and return her to her original state. It was then that Amber was happy to see how Eula bought her at the store. According to what she supposes, it seems that Eula has bought it to give it to Amber, that means to herself.

But being herself, she won't be able to give it to anyone. Then Amber wonders how to get Eula to perceive that she is not a plushie, but the real Amber. On the way to Eula's house, she considered many possible tactics to take, until, before she could think of anything else or warn Eula of the possible consequences of her actions, she is thrown on the bed and then Eula sits on top of her. her rubbing her huge curvy ass on it. That's when Amber inflates and everything seems to result in a warm, blinding flash of light, and that's when Amber wonders in the process if she's finally exploded, like her Baron Bunny plushie-bombs, and if that's what it feels like to explode like one of them…

[Drawing 2]

Then Amber wakes up, it seems that she has regained her humanoid form, and it seems that it has been all a dream, until she finally realizes that she is in another dark place, even a little more illuminated than the previous dark place in which she was. Also, she quickly notices that she is now wearing a bunny leotard… Amber then wonders if the dream isn't over, until she is grabbed by a giant hand that pulls her out, which turned out to be a box.

[Drawing 3]

Amber, increasingly confused about what is happening, begins to feel how the big hand begins to grope her, perhaps accidentally while it undresses her and ties ribbons all over her body, filling her head and her dirty imagination with great excitement and pleasure. Before she knew it, she was naked and dancing clumsily and ridiculously to the sound of the music and the movements that force her to make those ribbons that are tied specifically to each part of her body, just as if she were a puppet. On the one hand, she feels very excited, but on the other, she can't stop thinking about her future revenge against that great shadow that handles her like a puppet and plays with her while she blushes, even though the thoughts of revenge become more and more intense. diffuse and the arousal intensifies. Perhaps being away from her Vision Trinket is confusing her more and more into accepting her new place as her puppet?

[Drawing 4]

After several hours, even though it seems like it is still February 14th, or perhaps she is in some kind of illusion or eternal time cycle, Amber feels bored as she waits again inside a glass box hanging from its slats, on display waiting to be seen. bought again, which seems to indicate that the dream is not over yet, being a scenario so similar to the one she suffered as Baron Bunny. However, at this point Amber no longer distinguishes between reality and dream and she watches as Eula approaches interested in buying her again, something that she thinks will surely be more fun than being a pillow-explosive plushie.

[Drawing 5]


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