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Chaos, passion, revenge, conflicting interests and dolls are a perfect cocktail that garnish the tragedy. Markuz, an intelligence agent and shooting survivor who has chosen the rebellion path after turning Senator Davis into a doll, and Ina, his fallen-from-grace wife in a two-years coma, ends their adventure with an unexpected end for both.

This work include:

9 drawings (20 files)
(9 with text; 9 raw ver. without text, 2 alt. ver. with and without text)
1 story (2 PDF, with and without drawings include inside)

Download (zip file mirror):


Author's Note (spoilers):

Well, with this Mental Illness Saga ends completely. In the end, in short, even though at the moment I won't start another great arc, or another different saga, but two narrative lines open here, in which appear some stories that are already written and others that could be written along this year:

In Line A, in which after all the chaos caused by the fuchsia substance discovery and its misuse to turn people into dolls, it has been decided to legalize said substance and give it "good use", which would normalize at time the use of said substance, especially commercially *wink*

In Line B, after all the chaos, the fuchsia liquid illegalization is decided, becoming something illegal and clandestine and that can only be obtained in the underworld or on the black market, usually for evil purposes. Soon I will upload the updated image explaining the theme of the narrative lines in a more didactic way.

On the other hand, I must clarify that Ina, one of the protagonists of this story, is not a self-insertion of mine in the story, even though she is physically similar to me (the author), but this is not about me, my OC who is our image in our platforms has its own history and essence, explained here. In this case, to summarize (for those who don't want to read 15 lore pages), she narrates the stories after an accident with ancient technology and a hadron collider that passed its beam through her head, leaving her in a coma in the material world and in the immaterial world detaching her mind from her body and inspiring some of the stories protagonists to do what they do or playing with their minds, or even simply narrating the story for her daughter mind, who listens to it all the time and perhaps, because of her status as an "omnipresent" demi-goddess, subtly breaking the fourth wall by narrating each past and future stories to us, as if she were aware that people (us, observing in other dimension) are observing.

Finally, I would like to clarify that some dialogues were partially changed between the written story and the drawings to adapt them more appropriately to the comic/manga hybrid format that we used (since the written story dialogues were very long at times), in this case some not so relevant details couldn't coincide between the drawings and the writing.

remember to join my discord server :) https://discord.gg/rxe3TnhjCQ



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