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Elma has been living in the human world for several months now after so many millennia of not having been there, marveling at the amount of food that is now available, and even though she doesn't like working for food that much, she is trying her best, even though She never ceases to miss those times when humanity held her up as their savior and gave her tons after tons of food as tribute. However, she now just moves on in her life as a human without much thought about it. At the end of the day, everything is quite calm now and she has begun to see as distant, despite her perception of time different from that of humans, those times of fratricidal war between dragons and destruction, now being able to share with Tohru another Christmas like the first year in which they arrived in that world.

While Elma certainly couldn't help feeling a bit monotonous from time to time, for all the time she invested in work, she would distract herself from time to time helping Tohru accompany Kanna and her friends on some visits to the field or School visits to various places, as it usually is on this occasion, which to Elma's great pleasure, will visit a candy factory with Kanna and her friends. Elma couldn't believe how fortunate it was that this visit coincided with an outing to the field for Kobayashi and Tohru alone, being able to finally enter the paradise of sweets with some pretext that does not make her look like a crazy insane with a serious problem of sugar addiction. The next day Elma was ready at first hour in the morning at Kobayashi's house to pick up the children and take them to the factory, not being able to stop savoring all those sweet and delicious human candies that she was about to taste and to see how they were produced in that great factory, without anything that could be hindering her goals. Plus, if she leaves the girls alone for a few minutes while she sneaks around to gobble up a few free factory tastings, what's the worst that could happen? Those human factories seem like very safe places where everything works perfectly, where there is impeccable cleaning and where everything is arranged in the right place, although Elma has not seen many because she still needs to learn some more things from that time of the human world, but She is confident that nothing out of plan will happen as she gives a big and ostentatious candy and chocolate feast in that factory that in Elma's fantasies is more like a huge paradise.

And just as Elma planned, while Kanna and the other children went along with the group and the rest of the parents walking through a hall of the factory, Elma saw a table full of tastings of all kinds and, quickly, without being able to resist the enormous temptation, she used her dragon powers to make herself invisible and quickly take all the tastings on the table, to then throw herself into a corner of the factory to quietly enjoy those chocolates and sweets, which to her they were nothing but her main prey and what was occupying her mind at that time. Elma mercilessly devoured box after filly filling more and more delicious sweets, taking up as much space in her mouth as she could, until something strange that was happening in that place caught her attention at that moment. Suddenly a sweet and interesting smell begins to come out of a vent that was right in front of her. Elma, with a very adulterated mind due to the high sugar intake that she has had, and who despite being a dragon could not help putting her in an altered state of consciousness, decided to let herself be carried away by her gluttony and instinct and, furthermore, as already shee had finished all those boxes of chocolates and sweets, decided it was time to look for a new prey.

[Drawing 1]

Then Elma when entering that ventilation duct, she found a strange and interesting path along the duct made of candies lined up. Elma began to notice how suspicious that seemed, but she couldn't help but eat the first sweet in that row and, as she tasted it, let herself be carried away by the whirlwind of flavors that unleashed in her mouth, instinctively following that trail of sweets along the way, until, surprisingly, and without her suspecting that something like this could happen, a strange red ray struck her while an intense smell of caramel was unleashed in the duct.
[Drawing 2]

Several minutes later Elma's gaze began to clear little by little, however she noticed that she couldn't move her gaze to any other place, she was there, looking straight ahead. However, when she able to see as her sight began to stop clouding, she saw how things had strangely changed for her noticing in the reflection of the metal of one of the walls of the ventilation duct in which, apparently, she was still. It seemed that her clothes had changed, to a nice Christmas dress, but beyond that, she could not move, and both her skin and her body turned out to be very shiny and at the same time give a strange appearance of being sticky. Elma wondered if she had been turned into… a candy figure? Without giving credit for what possibly just happened, and believing that perhaps she was the victim of some strange illusion, she feels like a small robot that has just entered the pipeline takes her out of there with its cold robotic arms, to be later placed inside a colorful box with what appears to be... other candies in humanoid form? All that turns out to be something very strange to Elma, but, if it is something magical, it must be very powerful magic to have subdued herself so easily. Elma was trying to think about what happened as the box slid down a conveyor line inside the factory.
[Drawing 3]

While Elma was trying to figure out what really happened to her, was she inside some illusion, or when she would continue to eat more sweets, since that intense smell of caramel within the same box completely clouded her mind, Kanna saw a figure made of candy very much like Elma along with others, wondering at the same time where Elma had gone.

[Drawing 4]


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