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Daume, a 36-year-old forensic scientist with short brown hair and intense blue eyes, has reached that difficult moment in her life when it seems like nothing makes sense anymore. Even if it seems that her fate has not considered that she has suffered enough from her recent divorce and her estrangement from her 18-year-old daughter, it seems that the universe is determined to complicate her life even more and more. In the middle of the year her team was assigned to a new mission; finding the whereabouts of a government agent who has mysteriously disappeared without a trace after a psychotic attack in which she ran naked through the streets. However, after investigating and not finding much information, only to find all the information in the database as classified and restricted, the case was archived and the assignment of said investigation to Daume's team was removed. This whole situation seemed quite exasperating to Daume, who became increasingly obsessed with the case as she could not find a single remnant or physical evidence to find that missing agent, every time it seemed that she was about to find more information she found database restrictions, possible missing informants and a lot of secrecy around the case. The fact that the investigation was finally shelved only added to Daume's fury that she, as a single and divorced woman, was projecting all her energies into her work and especially into said investigation. They had finally succeeded, they mentally and emotionally broke a faithful defender of the law, ended her innocence and destroyed her faith in the system.

Daume then decided to start researching and acting on her own. If the authority was not on her side, she vowed to get to the truth by stepping into the rabbit hole no matter the consequences. In the end, she remembered how she wanted when her daughter was born to make a better world and that was what motivated her to study forensic science and join the special operations corps of the local police. Daume could not fail his daughter, being very convenient for her the fact that now she has moved to live with her father, even though she still lives in the same city, so if Daume is the victim of some persecution of some bitter conspiracy exposed, at least they will not go directly for their daughter, besides that her father and Daume's ex-husband is a very influential politician, so it would not be very profitable for some conspiracy to go after his family or his ex-partner to hurt Daume as they would get a lot of attention.

What Daume was able to find and relate to the case of that disappeared government agent after interviewing a few people close to her in her spare time, without notifying the police or her team beforehand, was that she was apparently investigating with the help of a journalist another bizarre case of disappearance, in which a special forces police officer disappeared as if she had vanished from the face of the earth, after a fit of anger that prompted the government to determine that she had intermittent explosive disorder. However, strangely, everything began to add up for Daume little by little ... She found out more than a year ago about a secret hormonal experimentation program that sought to improve the skills of police officers, make them stronger and, perhaps, killing machines. It was an open secret in the police, and when that policeman committed that bloody and spectacular persecution, it was commented among the police that she had been a test subject of those experiments in exchange for a salary increase. The last Daume heard about her is that she had apparently escaped while in a social reintegration program just a year ago, on a cold good night in a store warehouse while packing toys for the orphaned children, making it impossible for her to survive. That same night a very powerful snowstorm that radically limited the mobility of the cars and, escaping on foot by itself in the cellar of a store that was also a bit far from any house or place to hide, made it determined that she most likely died in that blizzard.

Daume had not given importance to that case, even though she got to know the police who fell from grace, even though she was never very close to her, but now she finds it very strange that that government agent, in a hierarchy that is normally thought untouchable by other authorities, disappeared from the face of the earth after becoming involved in an investigation for personal reasons that, according to after questioning one of the last people who saw her, the husband of one of her sisters, sisters of that woman who have also been disappeared, led her to commit more and more to the disappearance of that police, even if disappearing shortly after without having been able to show the public or at least the authorities the fruits of their investigation.

Daume, very disappointed and with her sense of justice seriously offended, decided that perhaps it would be a good idea to try to get some information directly from primary sources. Among those sources, she was able to locate two government agents who were seen in the vicinity of where the journalist who was associated with that government agent disappeared. It was for Daume the only clear clue to follow: first she tried to have an interview with the highest ranking agent of those who were seen near the area where the disappearance was reported, seeing herself frustrated in her mission when she discovered that he was recovering in the hospital after a work accident she was guarded with great vigilance, so she decided to proceed to follow the other two agents who were there even if they were of lower rank than her leader, even though she knew that surely she would find some rude response by part of those agents, because because of Daume's lower rank they would not take her importance, after an exhaustive day in which she was resting in which she was following them stealthily, Daume was able to corner them in an alley to ask for explanations.

Those agents responded aggressively indicating that this was not her business and that she should forget the case or she would regret her insistence. However, Daume decided to abandon her fears and, since she no longer had anything to lose at that point in her life, she decided to discover what had happened to those disappeared women, following the same path as them and rebelling against the system, hoping that perhaps it would be the case that they would do something to her as they did to those who disappeared, even though this time she had a hidden camera in her hair and a geolocator, hoping that someone else would find her in case she could not free herself in case they arrived to capture her, Daume deciding to give exemplary punishment to those corrupt agents by teaching them a bit of his less orthodox methods, shooting mercilessly and leaving them bleeding while they suffered intensely. However, Daume was not expected that she would find the truth and such a quick response from the authority she has rebelled against after doing so, Daume quickly falling to the ground after receiving a dart to the back of her neck with a strange fuchsia glow. On that cold December night, Daume hoped that her sacrifice would be the perfect Christmas gift for her daughter.

[Drawing 1]

After the spectacular capture of Daume, in her delusions, everything seemed to be very bright and blinding, while she felt a strange sensation of ecstasy that runs through her entire body and while listening to the echo of her daughter's voice talking to her asking her to wake up. That maelstrom of emotions in that strange circumstance made that finally, after what perhaps were long hours, she was able to open her eyes. The first thing Daume saw were four pink walls and some stacked pink plastic furniture, which made Daume wonder where she was and what had finally happened to her. Suddenly Daume feels a hand on her shoulder asking for reassurance and stating, strangely, that dolls had nothing to worry about and that she would show her her new home. However, Daume, scared as she turned around, was walking away from that strange girl with shiny skin and flawless and intense blue hair. After that, Daume analyzed the words of that other girl and asked herself, did she say that we are dolls? Daume, disoriented, looks down and feels to the touch the delicate and very soft white fabric of her dress that recalls the swan lake sliding down her body, which is now also shiny and flawless and, in a way, plastic in appearance. and artificial.

[Drawing 2]

Daume wondered if she had finally lost her mind or if she, as a result of her delusions after falling to the floor, was suffering from strong hallucinations. She continued examining her surroundings with her gaze and everything indicates that apparently, in addition to being now smaller and having changed her appearance radically, she is also inside a dollhouse inside a toy store. Unfortunately for Daume, as if there weren't enough surprises, then a woman who in Daume's eyes looked like a giant comes over to see inside the dollhouse in which she was standing. Suddenly Daume's body began to go numb as an exciting, relaxing and pleasant stimulus began to pass through her spine as he stopped responding to her orders and began to settle into a firm and rigid pose. Then that giant woman takes Daume and her new blue-haired friend interested in buying them. It was already good night and that woman needed to buy something to give to someone, while Daume's body has spasms produced by Daume's clumsy and null attempts to move, which are almost imperceptible to any giant person from her perspective and while she is terrified seeing how it has happened overnight to go from being a forensic scientist to being a doll ready to make some girl happy, even though that name that that giant woman said seems familiar to her.

[Drawing 3]

Daume, wondering if all those missing women who she was investigating their fate had really ended up the same as she has now ended in some strange way, and realizing that perhaps her sacrifice was useless because of the change in size and the change of clothes surely that secret chamber and that geolocator were separated from her and lost, and while her mind is invaded by strange ideas that revolve around pleasure while she feels a warm tingle running through her body from one end to the other, she begins to have some flashbacks. She dimly remembers two scientists talking about her ... as if she were an object or a pet, an experimental subject, which those scientists talked about trying on her a lower dose of some strange thing to test ... mind control? Daume did not fully understand what had happened but soon that would not matter because weird, but intense and exciting thoughts are regaining control in Daume and are firmly fixing on her what turns out to be reality and which, confusing Daume, perhaps it always has been. Her brain is plastic like her whole body, her mind is the mind of a doll, her body is the body of a doll and everything around her corresponds to a doll. Dolls do not move if there are people watching or playing with them, because the dolls should not move, the dolls do not speak, the dolls only stare straight ahead, the dolls should only be cute, the dolls only want someone play with them, but the dolls cannot do anything if their owner prefers to keep them indefinitely to play with them later, the dolls need help to move, because they cannot move by themselves, they are just ordinary dolls, they can only be moved by their owners, and that's fine, because that's how dolls are. It is not right for dolls to think. Dolls do not think. Dolls are toys. Dolls have no mind. And she is a doll and she always has been, and these thoughts invade the doll, filling it with pleasure and causing it to lose the perception of the passage of time.

[Drawing 4]

Finally, the doll is under a Christmas pine. The doll sees with her eyes always open in the middle of her vision range a young woman with brown hair and intensely blue eyes that is familiar to her, although she cannot remember or think clearly about it, but she is happy to have a new one. owner and make someone happy as the perfect gift.

[Drawing 5]


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