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Soma, while brushing her curly blonde hair, was still a bit tired from the weird nightmares she has been having lately, especially those in which she finds her body completely immobilized looking towards the horizon in some strange circumstance while the birds peck at her head, her arm or some other part of her body, as if it she was some garden statue. She had those strange nightmares and an unexpected delusion of persecution and claustrophobia, while on a vacation and, even if Soma still did not feel completely ready to return, she knew she has work to do that no one else will do and investigations only she can carry out because she is the one who has the most complete information on these investigations and usually does not share it with anyone. So, Soma set out to return to work, starting with a mission that, as far as she hopes, will be quiet and should not present any inconvenience, so there should be nothing unexpected in what should turn out to be a simple routine investigation of a factory of sex dolls. In this sex doll factory, there have been many disappearances lately, especially in the last 3 months. It all started from a strike between some of the factory workers, which strangely only employs women in its activities. Since then, the women who have taken over the factory, have been disappearing until there is no more left and allow the complete operation of the factory again, which now works in a completely automated way by means of robots and other devices that facilitate all the process of making sex dolls without having to rehire humans back.

Soma believes this labor conflict is nothing more than the company intimidating its previous workers to desist in their requests and hide, so she does not consider she will find anything strange in the factory, for what she considers is a perfect plan to return to work as an investigator without there being some rare event that triggers her delusions of persecution. However, it all seems to start playing against Soma once she starts exploring the factory. Immediately, she sees in that place where no one was supposed to be, because now the machines do the whole process, a mysterious masked man running all over the place, who seems to try to run away from her every time she approaches him. Soma cannot ignore that and, accepting that she has been wrong about that mission, because it will not be as quiet as a walk in the park, she undertook the chase against that mysterious shadow that ran from one place to another inside the factory by areas restricted and increasingly narrow and increasingly difficult to access. Soma can't help but get agitated, but she resists the bad circumstances that surround her in her situation and, strong and impassive, she continues to chase that guy around the factory.

Every time it seems that Soma is about to corner or trap him, this mysterious man finds some ingenious way to escape, some small corner to flee or some secret door, something that makes Soma think that that mysterious man knows the factory very well and that Furthermore, said sex doll factory is full of tangled paths and secret shortcuts that perhaps a normal factory should not have, which makes Soma's disappearance of the workers of said factory seem something more and more suspicious. Perhaps, Soma thinks, it is not a simple labor dispute, but rather a complicated kidnapping or extermination plan carried out by the factory against its former workers. If so, Soma thinks that then perhaps he should call for reinforcements and withdraw from there, however, Soma's pride does not allow him to leave the place and, moreover, she has the feeling that she is about to catch that mysterious man, even though she is still without understanding how there is so little room to move inside the factory that it makes it very difficult for her to move inside it, while that man moves so fast through the place that it looks like an amusement park. Then Soma, who is about to witness how that man finds another secret emergency door to escape, decides to climb on top of a conveyor line to take a shortcut and run more directly towards that man directly to the next room.
[Drawing 1]

After Soma took the shortcut and crossed to the next room running over the conveyor belt, she suddenly realized the little man had disappeared from her vision range, something that frustrated her greatly. Soma just wonders where that miserable man has gone while she keeps moving, because even though she has stopped to think for a moment, the conveyor belt is still moving. However, before she could perceive more of her surroundings, soon she feels a great blow in the back of her head and falls unconscious on the conveyor belt, moving along with the other raw material of the factory to some mysterious and unsuspected place inside the factory, there, immobile and defenseless, as if she were a canvas in white ready to go through factory procedures

[Drawing 2]

Several hours later, when Soma managed to regain consciousness of her, it may have been too late to wake up. Suddenly the only thing Soma would continue to feel from now on is a brutal and inhuman amount of ecstasy and excitement spreading throughout and within her body without her being able to hardly move or avoid it. Soma simply does not understand what is going on around her, while a hose injects a strange fuchsia liquid directly into her body from somewhere that she cannot look at due to her lack of mobility in her new situation. Despite this, Soma cannot help but get excited and gasp and even learn to love that sensation and take a liking to it, while her mind is getting lost more and more, more deeply, in the deep abyss of pleasure.

[Drawing 3]

After a few more stages within the manufacturing process, Soma cannot even remember her existence, she only lives now to live in the moment, enjoy pleasure and let herself be carried away by circumstances, being covered for its perfect preservation in a layer of latex while the machines do everything for her and put her comfortably, eternally, in a foam-rubber package that seems to be tailor-made for her.

The next day in an erotic shop the employees enthusiastically receive the new limited edition sex dolls from the factory. Ever since those limited-edition dolls started arriving, store sales have exploded, and it is always a good omen to receive new merchandise. Among the new merchandise there was a sex doll with curly blonde hair who, due to her plastic smile, seemed to be highly motivated to start her new life around the pleasure of herself and others, if it was not just an object, a toy, the store employees will comment and joke as they arrange the new merchandise.

[drawing 4]


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