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Shizuka, a 25-year-old young woman with brown hair and honey-colored eyes, in the best moment of her youth and her career, lives her childhood dream with all the energy and the best attitude every day: to be a famous idol. She has had to work very hard on her own and has also had to exceed her previously childhood expectations to delve into the dark world of show business, a world in which Shizuka, the longer she delves into it, the more she realizes how It turns out to be deep and dark, even if she considered at some moment that she had already seen it all because she is always more and more surprised. However, there is something that does not leave Shizuka be calm. One day, at a great show that she gave a few days ago, she noticed someone in particular from the audience. A purple-haired man was energetically supporting her among the event attendees, as if he was her biggest fan. Shizuka has always tried to get to know her closest followers and obsessed with her, but this follower not only turned out that she did not recognize him as someone who was always been part of her followers, even if that seems because of the effervescence with which she has supported Shizuka since the audience, but it turned out to be or at least resemble someone that Shizuka believed she would never see again, as if it were a ghost.

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She, very nervous, almost loses concentration but manages to catch her breath and continue with the show. Shizuka was sure that she knew this man, but seeing him there has left her perplexed. Now Shizuka wonders what she should do with the ghosts of the past that now haunt her ... Should she try to repair her mistakes? Or should she ask for forgiveness? Should she ignore what happened? She couldn't stop thinking about him, even though she was in the background, while she kept singing and dancing in front of the audience. Once the event ended, she was so affected that she ended up fainting before she could go find that boy directly to verify if what she saw was really true and not just hallucinations.

From that moment on, everything began to become weird in Shizuka's life. Weeks have passed since that event and she couldn't stop thinking about that man and what he did to her, although now Shizuka wasn’t sure if seeing that man there was a hallucination, or if he really has returned to find her for some reason. Shizuka had tried to forget about that boy and to what happened with him and she suffered a lot emotionally in silence while she did it, but years after she believed that she had already succeeded, now this situation has arisen again in the life of she. On the other hand, the treatment she has with her co-workers in the offices of the idol agency she works for had started to get colder and colder after what happened. Shizuka supposes that perhaps they now perceive weakness in her, after having fainted right after the concert, and thinks that due to the competitiveness on the job, they now see her as a fool or a weak girl who is not up to being an idol. Even if it was a health problem, Shizuka thinks that they would think that way, since due to the competitiveness of her work, idols tend to be very hard on each other to tarnish the image of her competitor. Even despite everything, and feeling the judicious glances of her colleagues and hearing the criticism that is said behind her back, Shizuka seeks to improve her relationship with her co-workers, since she thinks that idols should also work as a team and, After hearing that many of her colleagues are seen in a room in the basement of the agency building to rest after hard practices, she believes that perhaps it is the right time and place to approach her colleagues and try to socialize with them in that rest room, heading there that same day, since she heard among her companions that something great was going to happen there that day.

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However, what Shizuka found was, to say the least, disappointing. When Shizuka opened the door to that place, she perceived a strong and sweet but unpleasant smell that she had not smelled before. What she saw behind that dense cloud of smoke inside that basement room was hopeless: several girls were using illicit substances in a variety of presentations, some smoking, some chewing and some even inhaling, and some of them were even thrown away. on the ground half naked in a dubious state of consciousness. Shizuka decided not to bother the girls, who she considered that they could respond in a violent way if she interrupted what they were doing, however she was very indignant, since she considered that consuming those substances was not something right for an idol and that, in addition, it was very dangerous to smoke in a basement room as there was poor ventilation and they could suffocate in that place or, worse still, start a fire. Shizuka's new discovery led her to go with her agent, her direct boss, to report the alarming behavior of her companions, but to Shizuka's surprise, this man received her passively, stating that he will do everything possible to then go home. quietly, as it was dusk.

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The weeks passed and Shizuka not only did not see any change or disciplinary measure, but also her companions began to treat her more mockingly and with more contempt, indicating that the lack of her companions has gone unpunished and she as an idiot. However, that did not mean for Shizuka as a defeat, but that this forced her to go beyond her. If her agent was not going to do anything to enforce the rules, Shizuka will go with the highest levels of the idol agency, with the president of the company. It was usually said that he is a very busy man, someone who never has time and is never in his office, but Shizuka thinks that she has no choice and that, in addition, she does not lose anything if she looks for it, thinking that with a little luck. maybe she could find him and explain to him what she saw. Shizuka thinks that perhaps that agent is not interested in applying the regulations but that the president of the company may be more concerned about enforcing the rules since the possibility of the company building catching fire or someone else discovering the other idols getting high in the basement, both possibilities can translate into millionaire losses for him. Then Shizuka, confident of herself, went to the office of the president of the agency and knocked hard on the door and, realizing that no one was answering the call and that the door bolt did not have a lock, she entered without more to be horrified. with what she would find on the other side of the door.

There he was, sitting quietly at his desk, with one of the idols who were taking drugs that day in the basement sitting at the desk talking with him, it is that man with purple hair who remembered from his worst nightmares. Shizuka lost her composure and demanded answers from that man, what is he doing here?  Shizuka thought. On the other hand, that man with purple hair only stared at her while the room reigned in deathly silence, until finally that man asked Shizuka what she needed from him. She regained her composure a little, trying to leave that situation from the past to resolve later, and asked the man if he has already seen what his idols do in the basement of the building, to which he responded by downplaying the situation, calmly And without any hint of shame, that he was the one who provided idols with those substances, and that it is normal for idols to consume those substances in his idol agency. Shizuka, perplexed by what she has just heard, without giving credit that the horrible situation in which she finds herself now is really happening, she has nothing left but to try to reason with the man, asking about what had happened with that sensitive and good boy she knew For years, since the man in front of her is no longer the same boy, he has changed. To this the man only responded, leaving Shizuka cold and releasing those memories that she tried to suppress all that time, about whether she remembered what had happened at school.

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Ten years had passed since that terrible event. Shizuka and Makoto, that man with purple hair, attended school together since they were children, in addition to having the privilege of being neighbors, so they lived very closely together for a long time, flourishing a great friendship from those circumstances. However, as they both reached high school, they only had themselves, they had no other friends, and both were strange to the other kids in school. Makoto did not give much relevance to that situation, it is not something that really mattered much to him, but that situation greatly distressed Shizuka, since she wanted to be an idol when she grew up and believed that it was important to start relating to cute and popular girls. from school to get closer to that life profile, but all the attempts to socialize that towards Shizuka ended up failing, which only distressed her more and more until she fell into a deep depression. However, one day, two girls approached Shizuka. They were part of that small and select group of popular girls at school and it seems that they have finally realized the existence of Shizuka. However, to Shizuka's surprise, these girls did not ask her about her, but about Makoto, her friend. It seemed that one of the girls had taken an interest in Makoto, and they wanted to know everything about him.

Then Shizuka thought that maybe if she told them everything she knew about Makoto, surely those girls would admit her into their social circle, so Shizuka proceeded to tell the girls all about Makoto. Soon Shizuka realized that they didn't really seem that interested, until she mentioned Makoto's puppets, puppets that Makoto regularly played with, an object that Makoto valued and cared for very much. The girls then asked Shizuka if she could bring those puppets to school to prepare a surprise for Makoto, to which she agreed. For Shizuka it was very easy to take the puppets from Makoto's house since, when he was gone, she only had to ask her mother for the puppets, she gave them to her without asking much since she believed that Makoto no longer played with his puppets like he did before. Once Shizuka obtained the puppets, she took them to the place that she agreed with the girls in a park and all it was left was to wait until tomorrow to surprise Makoto.

Finally the day arrived, Shizuka entered the classroom but what she found was a totally unexpected and daunting scenario. There was Makoto and those two girls, surrounded by all the other classmates, who were shocked by what had happened. Shizuka rushed to get to them and see why so many people were watching, to find a sad Makoto, resisting crying, as he saw his beloved marionettes vandalized with paint and broken on his table and while being harassed by screaming and hurtful insults of those girls, and the taunts of all his classmates. Shizuka has discovered that these girls did not want to know about Makoto from a love interest, but rather that they wanted to hurt him. Shizuka was very saddened and approached one of those girls looking down to ask for explanations of what was happening there, but she only received arrogant explanations from those girls, who felt disgusted by Makoto for having such strange customs, highlighting that he had a puppet just like Shizuka and that was even weirder. Those girls hinted that maybe she should hang out with them and put aside that sick and weird boy who still plays with puppets at that age. Shizuka, with mixed feelings, being between a rock and a hard place, did not know how to react but, something inside her forced her to finally put Makoto aside and join the lynching, in a not effusive way, only telling Makoto that He was very weird and that maybe he should change. Makoto, seeing himself in this situation, took his broken puppets and fled the place in a hurry, and then did not go to school again in the following days, knowing later that Makoto had decided to move to another city to support the family business they had there. Meanwhile Shizuka, shattered and with a strong feeling of guilt that would drag her whole life, tried to forget what had happened.

Years later, today, Shizuka cried and tries to justify herself in front of a mature man, whom Makoto has become. I changed, Makoto said to Shizuka, leaving her emotionally devastated and with mixed feelings, not knowing what to do. Then Makoto anticipated events and warned Shizuka that if she went further and reported him to the police, it was all over for her too, since it has been Makoto the one who has used the money and the power of the underworld that his family has to create that idol agency, which in turn serves as a front for the dirty money they earn from the drug business and that he has done all this just to fulfill Shizuka's dream of being an idol. That makes Shizuka an accessory to the crimes of Makoto and her family and if she reports them to the police, the dream is over for Shizuka and the scandal would be so great that she would not be hired as an idol anywhere else. Finally, after Shizuka found out about it from Makoto's words, she has realized that, in reality, she has always been Makoto's puppet in all that time, something that has given Makoto a laugh, which led to ask Shizuka if she has finally realized about her reality and about the threads from which she hangs herself. Finally Shizuka, emotionally destroyed, agrees to do whatever Makoto wants.

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Weeks later Rika (that blonde idol who had been in Makoto's office when she met Shizuka) shows up again at the office. Rika is upset, because since Makoto and Shizuka met again, Makoto no longer gives frequent attention or merchandise to the other idols. However, perhaps Rika did not arrive at the best moment, because at that moment Shizuka was being used by Makoto, dancing for him while he moved the strings through a mechanism connected to some levers on her desk. This only makes Rika feel jealous since, although she dislikes being Makoto's puppet, that was her place before her and she was number one before, for which she reproaches him his carelessness towards her and the others and demands that he give less importance to Shizuka. Makoto turns to Rika and states that if she is so desperate for new merchandise, maybe she is willing to try something that just arrived recently.

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Rika, desperate, hearing about the new merchandise, quickly approached Makoto, as if she were a hungry cat waiting to be served to eat. Then Makoto stands up from her desk, leaving Shizuka hanging, and approaches Rika to stretch out her hand and offer her a mysterious green pills. Makoto affirms that after ingesting the pills, she will perceive how everything around her changes enormously, causing a great experience and a completely different perception of the environment that surrounds her. Rika, desperate, takes the pills and just takes them, but the effect that comes with the pills comes faster than she expected. Suddenly everything starts to look bigger from her perspective and her clothes start to get bigger, Rika feels very excited, although also very scared by what is happening, until finally the effects of those pills end and, turning everyone around sides, she realizes that it is not that the things around her have been enlarged, if not, that she has diminished herself, stepping on her wrinkled clothes on the floor which are now too big for her. This situation horrifies Rika and she turns to Makoto to ask for an explanation but, unfortunately, all she sees is a puppet control. Rika has flashbacks when she sees the wooden cross and is horrified, even though Makoto tries to calm her down by stating that she already knew about the device, and that she didn't have to worry.

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Then Makoto takes Rika, ties the strings to her and puts her together with her control in a box where she only sees darkness and only listens as everything moves there outside the box. A few minutes later a light blinds Rika, realizing that she has been taken out of the box and now she is naked being used as a puppet in front of an unknown public, in some other room in the basement of the building (or at least that seems as far as she can perceive). Rika is very embarrassed and is being humiliated without being able to do anything about it, no matter how much resistance is present, at least for now the one who decides her movements will be Makoto or whoever uses those puppet controls and moves her strings, being permanently traumatized, even that Makoto doesn't think that's a problem for what he plans for Rika's future.

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Hours later, while Rika is heavily traumatized, crying in a fetal position inside a box, Makoto opens the box and asks Rika if she is ready to indulge in the deepest joy, permanently, even without receiving a response from Rika. The only thing she can see, scared, is a large syringe with a fuchsia liquid. Makoto calmly takes Rika, without seeing any resistance from her, and instead of injecting the fuchsia liquid into her neck, decides to experiment with another method and, after removing the water from the syringe, surprise Rika by inserting the tip of the syringe without a needle in her mouth and forcing Rika to swallow as much fuchsia liquid as possible, while Rika aggressively loses herself in a whirlwind of ecstasy and feels her heartbeat faster and faster. While Rika is lying on the table suffering the effects of the fuchsia substance, Makoto tells Shizuka while looking at her how in her company there are already many people who know too much and how she should keep everyone happy, even though he plans more definitive ways to solve that problem.

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Later, Shizuka accommodates Rika in her new wardrobe, thinking what he should do with her. Makoto told her that he could sell it, or maybe they could leave it as a trophy on her desk. However, Shizuka dreads wondering if she will be the next victim.

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