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May-june 1st original story - voted in patreon poll

Author's comments:

Sorry for not publishing this on Friday 17th, for those who are new, in situations like that (not publishing something within the week), I will end up publishing it on the weekend before Monday (all without losing the order, that is, if I do not publish something on Wednesday for example, maybe on Thursday I will publish that is from Wednesday, on Friday that from Thursday, and on Saturday or Sunday that from Friday), although these cases are atypical (normally I edit all the content of a week from a week before and schedule it on patreon/fanbox. I also want to take advantage of the space to let you know that I have finally quit my second job because they didn't pay me much and having two jobs started to cause me more serious health problems. I quit on Friday, May 10 and I already feel little better after resting all past week, but now I'm just going to focus full time on our artistic project again as I have done for the last 3 and a half years without interruptions and I want to thank you for your constant support and I'm glad you enjoy of our art as much as we enjoy making it, so from this Monday onwards you can be sure that there will be no more delays in publishing content. Starting this Sunday I will begin publishing on DA, Pixiv, Twitter and Reddit all the content pending to publish to the public. I also plan to write again instead of doing everything directly to comics, but not writte as frequently as before since it had become tiring even before, but maybe I could write later for some particular stories as we make the stories up to date (remember that the content that is published is designed, written and drawn 2 weeks before being published on Patreon/Fanbox), first I want to catch up by finishing my roleplaying/expanded universe compilation in novel format so the novels will resume written from the usual content until I finish writing the compilation.


remember to join my discord server :) https://discord.gg/ba6PSGauqV



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