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May-August original story poll

  • A [Expanded universe/rp/strong proposal] (Nimue Story continuation and Part B of the compilation, doll/figurine/music toy box/furniture/etc) 10
  • B [Inaverse/main universe] (figurine TF) 7
  • C [Inaverse/ancient alternate history secondary universe (ardeal)] (Humiliation, TG and TF furniture) 2
  • D [Inaverse/open new arc] (TG/TF doll) 12
  • 2024-04-17
  • —2024-04-24
  • 31 votes
{'title': 'May-August original story poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'A [Expanded universe/rp/strong proposal] (Nimue Story continuation and Part B of the compilation, doll/figurine/music toy box/furniture/etc)', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'B [Inaverse/main universe] (figurine TF) ', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'C [Inaverse/ancient alternate history secondary universe (ardeal)] (Humiliation, TG and TF furniture)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'D [Inaverse/open new arc] (TG/TF doll)', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 24, 17, 49, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 17, 17, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 31}


Every two months I will do an original story/comic related to the Inaverse or my expanded universe, on this occasion the vote will be for the May one, although depending on how the vote is carried out, the original July work could also be defined like last time, this work will be between 4 and 8 pages (or even the 12), which theme do you prefer? In this case I have a strong proposal that I recommend since it results in the completion of the last part of my compilation of the expanded universe and they are ideas already played in my roleplaying recently and well developed, but I will also propose other simpler options in case you do not agree. I recommend that you read the strong proposal (at least the transformation stages) since it's not wasted

detailed proposals:

A.-[Expanded universe/rp/strong proposal] (Nimue Story continuation and Part B of the compilation, doll/figurine/music toy box/furniture/etc) > End of the Road.- Nimue, who was previously the first partner of Emma and then of Arthur (twins who conditioned Nimue to be a doll for decades), currently recovered her freedom as a person many years ago, at the cost of forgetting who Arthur was. and Emma to be able to forget all the doll conditioning, causing Nimue to experience gaps in her memory and emotions (Nimue's Backstory, summary of that in a paragraph in the 1st Expanded Universe compilation). Nimue, decades after all this, has become a powerful youkai that in Anna's absence protects Hiirokuni (especially in the war against the Lunarians) and this has given her power and influence, however for her all this life of Success seems boring to her, and she no longer feels like she can achieve anything more in life. Then Nimue, investigating her past and the memories and people she does not remember, finds Arthur and Emma's father, Arthur Sr., who tells her about the family past related about dolls things (reference to Perfect Wife story and Nathaniel, Arthur Sr.'s father and Arthur and Emma's grandfather) as well as her son and the relationship she had with him. Then Nimue, bored with life, manages to find Arthur and asks him, full of curiosity to fill those empty spaces in her memories and emotions, to show her what it means to be a doll, an idea that seems attractive and pleasurable to her, for reasons that not even she herself could explain. Then Arthur, who did not agree at first, due to her insistence, decides to give her a chance and teach her the conditioning of being a doll in an intensive and more sophisticated way than in previous years, with Nimue always having the option before taking each step to abandon, but when will it not be too late to retire?). 

  • -The first step in preparing Nimue was to shrink her size (to that of a miniature person with size of a doll/figurine) so that she could live with and care for another of Arthur's several wives and current doll, Meru (who currently behaves like a common doll due to her delusion of persecution because she saw horrible things when she met Thuria by accident and when she touched her she gave her traumatic flashbacks of the existence when she was ruled by dragons), then Meru was convinced by Arthur that the the only way she herself will be safe and will never be found by Thuria will be by being a doll herself, and Meru remains motionless on her own (even though her body is already very stiff from not moving in a long time) since seeing Thuria everywhere in her hallucinations and believes that if she doesn't move, Thuria won't see her. In this stage, Nimue will learn to envy and contemplate Meru's beauty as a doll and the benefits of being one.

  • -The second step, after Nimue agreed to continue with the process, after having a sudden blackout, she wakes up semi-rigid with a pink dress in a room where nothing can be seen but white light through the windows, being really a toy chest), where there is only Nimue's bed where she woke up and several muscular action figures. Nimue approaches with curiosity to touch the muscles of the action figures, they absorb her energy little by little until they play with her sexually (as they acquire the ability to move) to absorb more energy from her and acquire life. In the end she becomes the object of cult action figures and becomes completely immobile (as all her energy is absorbed except enough to stay alive). Nimue at this point doesn't know if she is in an illusion or sexual fantasy, or if all of this is really happening but she likes her and one day she wakes up in Arthur's palm after another blackout she decides to move on with the next stage

  • -The third step, then Nimue has another blackout where after continuing in an indistinguishable way between dream and reality, she wakes up in a dollhouse where she can move clumsily, but can't blink, and every time she thinks manages to blink, she has a new blackout where she wakes up in a different room from the dollhouse, losing more and more mobility until after the last blackout and in different positions, she woke up in a situation full of pleasure and unexpected for her.

  • The fourth step, after Arthur appears in Nimue's mind (or Nimue appears in his hands, remember that she no longer distinguishes reality from the illusion inside her mind), Arthur asks her if she is sure to go to the next and last step, and Nimue, totally enthralled by pleasure, asks to go to the next step and sink deeper and deeper. In this step Nimue finishes becoming the perfect doll after another blackout where she appears in another toy box where she has become a cult object among action figures and stuffed panda bears, where she spins around on her own axis standing on a toy cube, with some other stimulations and surrounded by three mirrors so that all of her perspectives can be seen in detail. While Nimue's life energy has been drained through sexual relations and is constantly drained by the action figures to stay alive, Nimue while losing life energy, generates a new type of residual energy derived from that process, based on pleasure, that energy is not enough or useful to allow it to move, and that energy keeps the rotating platform and the lights on inside the toy vaul, in addition to recycling this energy and using it cyclically so that the other toys remain alive since they need the Nimue energy. It is here where Nimue hits rock bottom drowning in her own pleasure and based on her own decisions and learns to be a good doll by becoming the doll/toy of the other toys. If this story is chosen in the vote, the last pending chapter of my expanded universe will be published before this story since it is complementary (perhaps before the end of this month) and then this work will be published between May-June. The last part of the compilation (part B) will have the introduction and step 1, while the 12 pages will have as much as possible of step 2, 3 and 4, we will study if we can leave something for the end if it turns out to be too much story for 8-12 pages, or if we can compress everything into that.

B.- [Inaverse/main universe] (figurine TF) Continue Enya story (orange hair and red eyed girl who appears in Dollhouse Prison

C.- [Inaverse/ancient alternate history secondary universe (ardeal)] (Humiliation, TG and TF furniture) A young prince ambitious to have power and rule is upset that his father (the king) does not take him into account or introduce him to the world of politics, the courts and governance, so he infiltrates the courts as a palace maid to be able to hear what they are talking about there and it ends up being offered as a tribute to a king from

D.- [Inaverse/open new arc] (TG/TF doll) Dude obsessed with dolls is caught stealing one from his little cousin at the New Year's party (since he doesn't have the courage to buy it since it would be strange for a young adult man to buy a doll for girls) he receives the offer of a merciful goddess of "knowing the world of dolls", thinking that perhaps it is something like a dream, simulation or fantasy and that he will live that experience being himself surrounded by live dolls, without knowing that he will live that experience being one of the dolls.


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