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Okay, since things have been very complicated the first half of this month, I think I will explain myself, so I will tell you a little about myself, my current circumstances and what has led me to those circumstances currently (it will really be a long text but if you want to know all the details of the recent delays, which I will try not to repeat again, it is better that you read in full, even though they are things that some of those who have been on the discord server for a long time already know, if they pay attention or have become my friends or have been for several years and are members of the community and I have told them about these situations in a more personal way)

As some may know, 9 and a half months ago in the city, I had actually lived alone for many years far from my family since I don't get along with them, but in 2020 when the pandemic arrived, work ended in the city where I had moved and this made me return to my parents' house and then help them pay the expenses of my house while my other two sisters (older than me by many years) are useless, one of them is a single mother and did not contribute to the household expenses because there was no desire for work or survival unlike me. I also had to endure the fact that not only was I the only child who contributed to the household expenses, but I also had to do so under the situation that my family treated me badly and emotionally abused me for not sharing their religion (I don't share their religion since I was 15) and that I could not be myself (I am a man, heterosexual and cisgender but I am fascinated by crossdressing especially if it involves dresses with ruffles, crossplaying and behaving and larping as a woman and this whole issue of femininity, even though I am not I would say that I am trans because in my case I accept that I was born a man and my issues are merely aesthetic and superficial and not about identity or sexuality, but I respect each person's decisions as I hope to be respected in my issues), this is something that I had always done secretly but it made my family relationship incompatible (I could say that in my almost 29 years, I have spent half of my life feeling that I have no family and that a good part of that I lived with strangers) and well, I was always mistreated and I only feel peace away from my family so that's why as soon as I could (June 2, 2023) I moved away from them again thanks to money saved and some donations from some close friends.

In addition, I had a strong stress and anxiety problem that had a serious impact on my health (blood pressure problems) and well, the last but one of the most important reasons that ended up motivating my decision to move again was this, and somehow this It is overcome mainly as a result of moving, since I lost a lot of weight and still had high blood pressure and my cardiologist told me that my pressure was due to strong problems of stress and anxiety because of how it presented and by getting away from my toxic family it gave me peace and I improve my health relatively again.

Now, the new city where I decided to move, which from living in a small city where I am originally from, is the second largest city in the country where I currently live, resulted in life being more expensive (now I pay rent, services, etc.), Even though I already paid for everything in my parents' house except rent, utilities and other expenses are more expensive), but I really think it has done me good to move here since my best friend lives here (the roleplaying guy, who I now frequent a lot). ), met other old friends and made new friends in a new place which has been good for my mental and therefore physical health. However, by living in a more expensive place, my share of the patreon/fanbox income (what is left over after paying my basic graphic artist, who is another friend I met in high school in my hometown that I also know in person and has its own tragic story although it prefers to remain anonymous, and other operating expenses) barely enough for me to live very austerely, but not for emergencies or situations that were going through, so situations that are beyond my control They were sabotaging my economic survival until I got a credit card, and after using it so much for emergencies, I had to pay this credit card in full every day 1 with my entire share of the income and wait for the 8th to make the cut to survive. again with the card, and there were situations where I had to borrow from friends to solve other complicated situations, in addition to accepting more workload here (that's why there are practically two pages per day instead of one as it was previously). Also starting last month I started filing taxes since it was a time bomb not to file them since since my only income has been patreon/fanbox and commissions since the end of 2020, it was a matter of time before the tax office came knocking on my doors, so that I decided to declare voluntarily and so don't take into account the previous 3 years of tax evasion (yes, adult life is shit, but that's what this life is like lol, despite being a cisgender and heterosexual man, sometimes necessity makes me have interesting fantasies where a rich man takes me as his partner (and doll) and I stop suffering from economic needs, but that is not going to happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I also prefer freedom, although it is a good creative incentive for future stories lol) . At least, if I don't die of exhaustion, I will have paid all my debts (which at least are not bank debts but with friends, so they do not generate interest) by the end of this year 2024.

So before all this spiral of economic situations led me to finish my own grave, I decided to start a second job (not my career since I hate the university career I done in the past and the pay is not very different, if anything they give you a similar salary for assuming more responsibilities), and that job is not that complicated (it is being a moderator of a social network that I cannot say the name of, but it is not well paid, I only earn half of what I earn on Patreon), but this second job being relaxed allows me to continue doing my part of the work to make our art (which is not only our biggest source of income but I am genuinely here because I like most of the content we create (especially the figurines and all kinds of dolls, since for years I wanted to see a lot of content about this and very few people did so I decided to solve my financial situation by doing what I like associated with a friend and to a certain extent it has been working little by little except due to the most recent situation), if I didn't like it, I would have already looked for another way of survival a long time ago, but I like it and that's why I persist here for so long and I will continue doing it, I love what we are doing here with your help and subscription, it is the best thing I have done in life and I am proud of this, my absolute existence made symbiosis with this project and everywhere I go I show it off even if it causes someone or another person to see me strangely, but nevertheless there are several recent situations:

-Although I have been working for 1 month and a half in that second job and the first month I was able to cope with both jobs, the transportation times (3 hours a day, that is 1 hour and a half there and 1 hour and a half back) take up a lot of my time and I only They leave me 5 or even 4 hours to do all my part of the work (writing, editing, publishing, dealing with everyone, spreading, etc...) and they only give me a day off on Thursdays.

-Even so I was able to do everything at the same time the first month, but in case I die of exhaustion I wanted to cosplay on March 2 and 3 because if not, I was afraid that something would happen to my health without having done something that I always wanted to do like go to a convention with cosplay (with a cosplay that I already had before I moved but had never worn it outside, I would show you photos but it is not related to what we publish here, although some nearby community members have already done it seen), and this meant that I slept 2 days 4 hours each day, but even so I had prepared everything to sleep well on Monday and edit and publish the week on Tuesday)

-However, everything went to shit (to put it mildly) when I left my backpack under the table at my best friend's booth (since he and his girlfriend sell things at conventions) and with the backpack there was a change of clothes. entire clothes and above all and especially, my glasses, with which I cannot see

Then the issue of the lost backpack led to a whole series of very screwed up situations for me, since this month I had a tight financial situation to pay for everything and have all my finances in order and prevent a bottleneck from becoming a bottleneck (and the credit card had not yet reached the cut), so I had to get a loan to buy everything I had lost and, above all, the glasses, essential to be able to continue working, without glasses I could not edit and in itself it was very complicated and painful. second job because I also have to watch some screens there, and that whole situation between getting the money, buying the clothes (since I only had one pair of shoes and a belt and they went in that backpack), getting an updated prescription for my glasses , paying for the glasses and going for the glasses all on different days, in stores that only open during the day and I have a night shift, meant that I only slept 4 hours or less for a whole week and they made me very tired, hence it took almost a week to resume posting the content (until I got the new glasses). Now, I planned to make the schedule until the next Thursday when I rested, but seeing that in one week 20 people unsubscribed makes me very depressed so today will be another day of only sleeping 4 hours but at least I wrote the instructions for my graphic artist. here on Thursday (which I wrote daily on public transport), the schedule and edit today's page, and to honestly clarify the whole situation for you, so I hope you are empathetic with the situation, I know that you are not obligated to keep your subscription if there is something you don't like (like a delay in publications), but I promise you that it will not happen again even if I don't have to sleep, at least this month should be calmer so I will only focus on satisfying you while attending the second job, and I will evaluate if I should give up the second job throughout this month if I consider which in the end hinders me in the operations of this project. Also, I don't know if there is anything that especially displeases you with the content of this most recent story, so I will do some surveys soon to find out what you think and how to best satisfy you. Without further ado, this is the situation that exists for now so it will be a complicated year, but it is a sacrifice that I have chosen and I am fine with that, as long as you are fine with that of course. Greetings!



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