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Someone who was a Patreon exit feedback was that my $5 was an overcharged? huh and that I wasn’t active as expected.... I do offer a $3 option.

I clearly stated that I will upload maybe twice the first week of each month...but this month I uploaded dang near every week 😂🤣 but okay... just so we are clear, I upload not everything at once so you could  enjoy the items. I upload more often than some creators... but this was just one survey and I wish it was a way to block those individuals from coming back. But I appraciate all those who enjoy what I create because the time I put in for $5 sis, I’m a busy fashion designer in real life, I did this because I was constantly asked about my custom bags, so I decided I wanted to give you more, like poses and other things as well... so I hope that you guys know if I’m not as active on here, I’m active behind the scenes trying to make your experience here fun and worthwhile. So if I’m not that active to you, what more would you like me to do?  All love just asking. 😘🤗

oh and Monday a sneak look for some august items 😍🤗



Vinnie B

The nerve of some ppl ... keep up the good work boo .... yessssssssss

Jacqueline Keiley

You are so active and worth every penny!