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Hey everyone!  This will be the last posting this month as I'm pausing Patreon to get some work done on some of my spring/summer jobs.

I just got a massive art project as well as my regular stitching duties that my business entails BUT if you stay as a supporter you will be getting next month for no charge (although, I do not think there will be as many postings).

I was thinking of just doing a FanMonth.  I'll be working on Little Lorna's AMA's and any other random art.

Have a GREAT month of March and I hope this war is resolved by the time I start up again at full speed in April.



Jamie Willis

Just got back and very nice diary there, always love the oral side I know you don't but it's just my kink as well as the pussy :) also any idea on my commission?

Eddie Edwards

Love it. Trucker probably traded her off to someone going back to her hometown so they could fuck her until they got there

Eddie Edwards

I didn't know Mr. Ed was a trucker. Sure looks like holding Lorna down in the truck giving her daily vitamins