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Sometimes when a girl gets horny she just really wants to get knocked up.  Of course, in the real world getting pregnant comes with lots of consequences and responsibilities but for some reason not in the world of Little Lorna!

Just to remind everyone, these are total works of fiction in a total fictional world of fictional characters.  I don't want to be a buzzkill but I get worried sometimes (and causes me tons of anxiety) that someone is taking these too seriously and actually doing social or psychological harm.  Just like watching violent movies shouldn't make you violent in real life, reading erotic fiction like this shouldn't make you disrespect women.  In this civil world we always need to subdue our reptilian brain and I always think indulging in fantasy such as this to tickle it without doing any sociological harm is very beneficial for us to carry out a normal life.

Playing a violent video game does not (nor it SHOULD NOT) make you violent.  It is a tool that if you do feel like being violent, you can play a video game and it should satisfy the urge without doing it for real.  Same with erotic comics.  If you have a certain lust, you can read a fictional story and satisfy the urge and carry on.

I really believe that my art and stories does good, allowing a way to satisfy something that in real life could destroy society or exploit (real) women.

I think that is why I had a little trouble drawing the Valentine's Day drawings.  I know that it was the theme that I presented for all of you but I didn't fore see how I would eventually see it as a total violation of what I believe my art is and would cause me so much stress.  I definitely have to revisit this theory as I also feel that bridging fiction and reality is merely no different then role play which I believe is quite harmless and beneficial.

Anyways.  Just a short musing that turned into a long one.  Lets all play it safe, have fun and use my art to help us all in the complex nature of our lives and a bit of an escape.

Geez am I ever a buzz killer!!!  lol.



Jamie Willis

Another good one for the books :) Love the diaries too shall buy one myself


I got a girl pregnant...in minecraft. Love these diaries btw.

Jamie Willis

Btw you got the original diary entry? I've been saving them to my files for safe keeping :)


I’m glad you like them! Stay tuned for prints! I guess in Zuckerberg’s meta verse these diaries will all be a possibility.

Eddie Edwards

I just knew that last pic was something like; Have to be pregnant since they shot so much cum in me I look pregnant.


I wholeheartedly agree with your stance outlined in this post. That’s pretty much how I approach and enjoy your work, roleplay / fantasy but I def don’t conflate that with real life actions and desires. Keep up the good work! Much appreciated