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Thank you everyone for your thoughts and ideas regarding my housing situation.  I thought long and hard about all of the options that people presented me here and in my real life and figured the easiest thing to do is just find a place that will have a (now) 10 day closing window and do whatever I could to get it.  I had to go FAR outside of my community and this place is literally an hour of highway driving away from where I used to live but it was within my budget and fits my needs and vacant.

Actually its quite a nice place although I think I paid far too much.  One bonus is that I have a LUXERY bathtub that I love!  The place is quite a exhibitionists dream so maybe I'm going to have to get used to a floor to ceiling glass wall in the bedroom looking into 5 neighbours and two non-frosted glass windows in the bathroom.  Yikes!  Well... my neighbours fault if they see something they can't unsee (or maybe I'll show up on some seedy website).

So here's a Little Lorna picture for all of you in my new Bathroom.  No... I'm not as cute (nor as "little" or as young) as Little Lorna but I can imagine myself as Little Lorna in a nice hot bath with... of course... BATH BOMBS (Tinhy...lol).

Thanks again everyone!  I've got 8 days now to pack my entire house, move it and unpack it.  My drawing tablet is going last so I'll try and find time to draw and post!

Sinope... signing off from my place in the big city!!



Jamie Willis

Hope you're settling in well, fuck those who tried to pull the wool over your eyes, at least you've gotten sorted. We can't have LL without the brilliant artist stressed out now can we?


Glad it's coming together.


For what it's worth, I've owned more than twenty homes in my life, and when sold, all far exceeded my purchase price, even figuring for inflation. I wish you equal luck.


Huzzah! Awesome news!


Great news. I hope you enjoy your new home.


Thanks. I will because it’s a HOME! Been a tough couple of weeks.


Thanks! When I finally sell my 20th house, I’m buying a nice little beachfront in Mexico. Good idea?


Sometimes pain brings upon the best art. All great artists are too hired souls so maybe this is just what I needed to achieve greatness! Lol. Oh, please NO!


SO happy you found something, Julia!


Me too. A miracle on my agent’s part. I was making it so difficult being such a stickler on the price as they wanted $75,000 more then I was offering.


Yes!! Congrats Sinope! That bathroom looks cool as heck! Maybe you can use some...you know...bath bombs to celebrate 😉


That is awesome news to hear!