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Well, there's a down side to all of you being the constant source of my inspiration for these comics.  Ever since people mentioned that Cache looked like Trump I can't shake the desire to integrate some famous political/celebrity figures into this comic.

They'll only have a quick scene to create the setting (although ONE of them may have a longer role).

My style is not so malleable to do caricatures so hopefully these will turn out but if you can guess who these guys and gal are supposed to be I would call that a success!

Guess away!




1 Bill Clinton 3 Obama 4 Woody Allen 5 Trump 9 Elvis rest ?


Well done... except for #4. I may have to do a Woody Allen. It fits so well with the plot!

Jamie Willis

1 Bill Clinton 2 Woody Allen 3, Obama 4 Bill Gates 5 Trump 6 Rudy Guliani 9 Elvis 10 Hillary Clinton forget the rest

Eddie Edwards

Number 8 looks a little like Epstein, which would be appropriate since he liked to pimp young girls like LL. (Allegedly)


Woah! So close! 2 is not Woody Allen still but you got Gates! I’m surprised you got Hillary since I did such a poor job of that one. Good job with Rudy too. He was tough to draw.


1 Bill Clinton 2 ? 3 Obama 4 Bill Gates 5 Ted Kennedy 6 Bob Newheart 7 ? 8 Clint Eastwood 9 Elvis 10?


Allegedly... :P. 8 is MUCH older but maybe I’ll use that one for Epstein. It does look more like him then who it was supposed to be.


Nice. You are he only one who got Clint Eastwood! Not Ted Kennedy... wrong side of the isle. Bob Newhart? I can see that but, no. Lol.


The cast of Saturday Night Live on Acid ... or the McKenzie brothers after two kegs of Elsinore beer ... each! (and Hillary never looked that good, even when she was the porn equivalent of 18!) (and Ted Cruz never gets any respect!)


I thought you were asking for joke names at first I was half way through with: 1. Willy Slick 3. Barry O'Bummer 4. William Doors 5. Dick Richards 6. Julian Ruby If I had to guess 2 is Jeb while 7 Chris Christie?


My guess is that #7 is Elon Musk. The only person #2 reminds me of is Jim Carrey, but I don't get the connection.


LOL . . . well if ya put a top hat and a bit of beard on #3 it'd be Abe . . . lol indeed