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Happy New Year everyone!  Sorry for the silence but I've been in a sort of mood over the holidays.  A lot of crying and loneliness.  I've been really good all year since lockdown but for some reason it really hit me hard during the Christmas break.  The previous health orders were that I can have 6 people in my bubble but early December, the new regulations was that we can't have any contact with people outside of your household and if you live alone, you get 2 people you can choose to meet up with.  My mother comes over on weekends so I can't really see anyone and its been really tough.  Not any social connections except for my mother on the weekends.  I thought they may ease up as the health order expired on Jan 5th but it has been extended until February 5th.  Wahhh!!!

I've had a slow start but I will have at least four new pages done this month before Fan Appreciation week which starts on the 31st.  Oh, I really hope I can get 5 done!  That would make me SO happy!!

Stay safe everyone and I'm glad you are all here to enjoy these comics.  I really feel like we are enjoying these comics together!




This whole thing has been hard on those who acknowledge it. We might not be able to congress, but realize we are with you. Love your work Julia.


So bummed to hear that. Here in PR the beach reopened again so we were able to see some friends at the beach. But outside of there’s still a curfew and stuff. Stay safe Sinope.


<<< hugs>>> thank goodness we live in an age of technology... where people you care about is only a click away. Granted, it’s not as satisfying as in person, but it’s a start. You are loved! Just look at your fan base! ☺️


Thanks DL. I feel I can always post a picture and spread some cheer when I’m blue. So happy for technology to allow me to do that! So happy for ppl like you and the rest of my fans reading these comics. It really makes me feel like I’m not throwing the comics into the giant void.


Jealous you get to go to the beach even if it’s 2m apart. It’s been raining for 14 days straight. Windy too. I feel like Mark Watley in the Mars Hab/lab counting the days and the weather driving me nuts.


Thanks Avery. Trump supporters and Covid deniers get to have a lot more fun it seems! Lol. Oh well, we “do” because they”refuse to”.