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Page #11 is done and not too many panels on this page but here's one that is my favourite!  I wonder who Dominus' favourite of the doves are?

Oh... in the spirit of this comic still being in flux, I wasn't too happy with the name "Pedagog".  It sounds too much like he's one of those guys that are not allowed within 150m of a school so I'm changing it to Dominus which is latin for "Master".  They call him "Dom" for short which has some sexual innuendo considering he is constantly gaslighting the doves.

I'm also not happy with the term "Terrians".  The world is called Terria so I thought the natural inhabitants would be called Terrians but maybe "Terras" instead?  Maybe "Terres".

Those ideas sound too harsh so maybe another feminine style name that might fit?  They are the only human like creatures that can give birth so maybe something to do with "Fertile" or "mothers" or "Womb" or "growth"?

Any ideas?




Terriadian jumps to mind first of course you can always go an extra step and just refer to them as the "Women of Terra" or "Maidens of Terria" or as with most fantasy stories you can make up words or steal from other languages like "La'Terria" or "Al-Terria" and if all else fails skip Terria and use the country they are one.


Oh some good ideas! Ella or Elle is French. Since elves are all female too, it may make sense that they both sound similar. I could also call them breeders.




If someone can´t discriminate between a pedagogue and a pedophile then that should be no problem of a comic. Especially not an erotic comic aimed at the nether regions of our brains and not some sort of educational comic book... Pedagog nicely combined the teacher/Sensei aspect with a bit of a hint at Gog and Magog. Dom sounds more like a guy from 50 shades of grey who would like to SM/dominate. Perhaps "Hawk" as someone who guides, controls and preys on smaller birds. About the terrians - they surely have a different name from each subspecies existing regarding their major use, more or less tactless depending on which subspecies - Breeders, Lifegivers, Mothers, Gaians, Fleshlights, Fuckholes, Amphores (antique bottles to be filled up), Semen Receptacles, Herd Animals... How they would call themselves considering that they can interbreeed with everything - flexible...


Thanks CD. I have never heard the word Pedagog before and maybe those more literate then I won’t have a problem with it. Since I have never heard it before, the root “Peda” sounds sketchy. Lol. I may keep it if you think it’s a good name. Hawk is good too. Sounds a little too heroic though. He’s kindof sketchy. More like a vulture or condor. I like Amphores and Gaians. Maybe the derogatory term for them are breeders.


You could go full parody and call them "Vestal Virgins"... Ella would sound strange to me - I would think of Ella Fitzgerald or France Gall singing "Ella, elle lá" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgHGU8gqz9U