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Okay... so I said I was busy and had a wedding to go to today but I really wanted to give you another page before the month was out because I really wanted to introduce this new character to everyone!

Have a great day everyone!  TGIF!!




Love that dress on her!


Any chance of a flashback to when she played in the sprinklers?! 😉


I was so thinking today I wanted to draw that and Shag beating off. That would be so funny!


Yeah. Love he purple, lavender and lime green. Sweater dresses are coming back!




I agree with the sprinklers concept


Forgive commenting too much, but... Well I'm bored and also love this one and have lots of thoughts Your dialogue on this issue is particularly good. Snappy, fun, lots of personality. The character dynamics come across so clear, and it really elevates over "Lorna gives another blow job" in a really awesome way. Will be anxiously awaiting the next page whenever you get back to it! 😍


Excellent, nice to see Luke being such a good brother.


Oh my! It looks like I’m going to have to do that drawing for sure then!


I love hearing back from you so keep your comments coming!! I’m glad you’re enjoying this one. I am too! I can’t wait to show everyone what happens next. It’s so bizarre! I’m usually so bad at dialogue but Shag I’m finding is really fun to write for! I’m sort of taking all of the bad characteristics from guys I know and melding into one really bizarre character. I love storytelling and trying to rationing through the story why she is always in such outrageous situations.


Special .22 delivery for skeezy pedo dealer!


Fanfic Castle incoming LOL

Eddie Edwards

Yes, get that dress so you don't cum all over it when he blows. While your doing that Luke is going to plow your dirt road again.


Oh I really need to watch that. I hear it’s good and Nathan Fillion is awesome!