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Evan Hartsell

>:( that's bullshit and unfair


Those bastards




JT speaking straight facts to Patreon "support"


Fuck patreon


Well looks like its time for me to get ready to move platforms


What a bunch of puritan normies


Welp good thing that you save them on g cloud lol


holy shit are they actually stupid or something


Patreon is starting to become Tumblr 2.0

Zephy Foxy

Patreon is run by basement-dwelling incels who aren't aware that women are allowed to have small breasts. This is just getting so fucking stupid. They need to quit being sexist assholes by implying that women are only women if they have beach ball sized tits.


Censorship is fun!


Unbelievable... Maybe it's time to leave patreon and move to fanbox or something else.

Perry Nelson

This sounds like someone is reporting what they don't like to target you


this app is ass :troll:


I just image people in stores don't look at your face anymore to see if you are legal age. They look at your tits to see if they're big enough

Michele Bianchi

Time to move to another service!


i will happily follow you to a different platform if you decide to stop using patreon entirely


Do they even have any confirmed art/anatomy trained people on their takedown team? As it seems to be a subjective and highly stigmatic group that are under trained in the areas they claim to operate with integrity and an unbiased eye.


Look Patreon is the worst platform that got big by the creators they bully into their ideals now. Would it be better to support on Fanbox/Substar now?


I hope the high res packs we get won’t be affected by this.


That's actually rally sad to think about. But probably sadly true

Jake Miller

Patreon support outs themselves as never seeing a flat chested adult woman. They’re all over. Why they dumb?


Big reason why I'm subbed to you on here and SS.


Even ignoring the fact that patreon is being braindead about this, every character is just that, a character, not real. Why should it matter if they look young? They're not real, nor is any of your characters based on any real people, they're not hurting anyone, nor were the characters hurt by anyone. This whole situation is all around fucked.

Jake Miller

Also. My wife was very flat chested and always was treated like a child. It was actually pretty shitty of society.


Damn, I guess short people don't exist after all...


Patreon is deathly afraid of paypal shutting them off. So theyre going to go overboard on anything that could even be slightly be viewed as "wrong". I dont see this changing sadly. Patreon used to not care until they got a talking to.


Sadly it happens time and time again as any platform grows large enough. Credit companies are notoriously puritanical and draconian.


Fucking lame. Payment processors ruining everything.


Why in the world are you still on patreon? Honestly you are the only artist left that I am pledged to on this godforsaken platform. I have been pledged to you ever since you started and I plan to keep staying pledged anywhere you post uncensored content. I would go to pixiv But I’m afraid all that stuff is censored so I haven’t looked yet.

Don Scherig

Because Patreon and it's payment processors are based in the USA and 18 U.S. Code § 1466A is real and written to be very vague. Also Patreon staff has a ideological hatred for what Veemo produces so they'll gladly use any excuse to get rid of it.

Don Scherig

Take this as a good opportunity to leave Patreon. Patreon has proven themselves time and time again to be untrustworthy. There's 0 guarantee that donor's money will ever make it to you. At it takes is for them to decide they don't like you or they hit some money troubles and your subscription fees just vanish into their pockets.