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Dear patrons,  

I am sorry to deliver this news but Patreon's guidelines have made it difficult to continue working with them anymore and I'm considering slowly moving to Pixiv Fanbox and Subscribe Star Adult. 

I will continue to post on Patreon for as long as possible. 

The content provided on SS will be exactly the same as so far but there will be no polls on Fanbox until next month. 

If you are willing to continue to support my work in the future, please consider moving to Fanbox or SS. 

I will help your refund process for December if you attach your fanbox or SS receipt to jtveemo@gmail.com  

I'm sorry to announce this news at the beginning of the month instead of the end of the month.  

Thank you for your continued support!





I'm so sorry things have turned out to be this way, but I'll continue supporting you on fanbox!


Which one is better?


So I should unsubscribe here and go to the same tier on SS?

Anime Art Enjoyer

Patreon's desperately trying to lose as much business as possible, huh? I hope Subscribestar works for you - I'll definitely move over next month.


Sorry to hear that but I'll be glad to follow you on Fanbox. Just need to wait for Pixiv to unblock my payments (3 cards, 3 rejections from pixiv when trying to by something from booth because I couldn't use paypal, now I'm not allowed to use Fanbox which was working with paypal...)


Yes, but I can refund your Dec membership if you decide to move so you don't pay twice for this month


Sad to hear but will gladly support on fanbox! Looking forward to your future works 💖


Just tell me which one give you the largest cut out of those and I'll move my supporting there


I’ll be heading to fanbox then. Thank you for the heads up jt ^.^


Thank goodness I have a Pixiv account linked with fanbox, I'll subscribe later today because I'm currently working


No matter what page I choose, you will post the same in both?


I sent the email!


Yaaa Fanbox


yes, the poll will be replaced to Google survey. I also post no censorship ver on Fanbox via drive link


most fanbased subscription pages take similar rate of fee so it really doesn't matter. I will be very thankfull if you continue supporting me either sites,


Shame it's not working out here, I got a pixiv account so I'll move my support to there for you. ❤️


I’ll go to SS and don’t worry about the refund, I don’t mind giving you some extra money for all the hard work you do, keep it up!👌


I really dislike both of those websites, so I will end my subscription to you here, thank you for your excellents arts and good bye ! (no need to refund)


Is it the same price, my prices are showing up in non freedom currency


Does this mean we won't get delivered the goods this month here on patreon? I don't mind switching subs I just don't see the point if I can sub next month on the new platform and stay here for this month. To avoid you the trouble of the refund process ultimately. Also will Fanbox tiers get updated? I see there's only 2 and the one I like to sub for is with video processes but the highest tier on fanbox is for animated gif process it seems. Thanks boss and sorry you gotta deal with patreon shenanigans


Will art have to be censored on Fanbox?


First things first, which one will you be using the most Pixiv or Subscribe Star? Second, I was already charged the monthly fee. How exactly are you going to issue the refund? You know, to make the migration immediately instead of waiting for the end of the month.


Does fanbox have a app? That will probably be my deciding factor of which one to choose


i believe it might be able to be accessed through Pixiv's app


I was already posting exactly same contents on both fanbox and Patreon (no polls on fanbox because it does not have poll function, but I will add polls on fanbox using google survey from next month since SS does not have the poll function either)so it doesn't matter which you chose. Also I can issue a refund by using Patreon relationship manager, all you need to do is to send either of your SS or Fanbox receipt to jtveemo@gmail.com then I will process refund for you. And it's not that I close Patreon immediately, you can still stay on Patreon because I will also post here. it's your choice when to move or not. thanks


Whenever you make the full jump off of here just let me know and I'll switch over


I will still post the same here so you can stay, I decided to slowly switch to SS and Fanbox because there was many other artists who got banned from Patreon after they got this same issue.


Damn fuck patreon. Will be moving to Subscribe star at the end of the month

Juan Martinez

Fuck patreon, Question, will you upload the same content in fanbox as in subscribstar?


Yes, before this Fanbox didn't have poll related posts but since I decided to use Google survey instead of patreon poll function, you will get exactly same post as Patreon so far.

Juan Martinez

If you are interested, I have my own internet pages for rent, they would have your own domain and two own emails with that domain, and you would only pay a low monthly subscription and depending on how you want to pay the subscription, you would pay the interest of Paypal or how you want to charge , you would not have to pay me any percentage apart from the monthly payment, and since I like your content I can make you a refund of the first two months, the first one that it would take me to make the page and the second as a thank you for your content that I love . if you want more information, contact me here by patreon.


thanks very much for your kind suggestion, but it will be very stressful for the fans to migrate multiple times because there are many people who already moved to other sites. I feel very sorry to say them to move once more. Also I have almost zero knowledge on managing domains, and I afraid that I cannot handle it properly when any error or problem occurs.

Juan Martinez

ok, I understand that, do not worry first think about your followers, about the administration I would take care of leaving everything ready, you just upload content and you would charge, how are you here on patreon, okay, the suggestion is still open for when you like, like I said I really like your content xD


what rule specifically does Patreon say you're breaking?


Patreon is going to end up like Tumblr lol


for the best, I think. patreon is already dealing with legal issues over removing users, best to find greener pastures while you can.


Excuse me for the question. If you post a comic format, which of ss and fanbox can view both the English and Japanese versions?


Someone I follow on Subscribe Star did polls in an interesting way, in the post asking for what we want he posted the options in the comments, so we vote by liking the comment with the idea/option that we like the most. I'm not sure if it would work in Fanbox...

azure rhythm

Which one would it be better for you? I’ll support whatever platform you go too!!