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Recently I got a warning from Patreon that my page is outside of Patreon's community guidelines, however their criterion is kinda vague so I decided to delete all of my post just for now. I will post all in one archive for you very soon, sorry for the inconvenience.


A cooking sloth

I suggest preview pics with Dropbox attachments going forward


Patreon sucks

Perry Nelson

They will start trying to claim ownership next and tell you what you can and can't post on other platforms. Now that this has happened they will keep flagging you content. It's happened to alot of artists on patreon.

Zephy Foxy

Patreon is a fucknut. They can say you're violating guidelines if someone **looks** young, even if the character is over 18. They're really really trigger-happy about randomly enforcing this rule too, but also very random and inconsistent.


Did they say what the reason was?


Hope everything is resolved soon enough

Michele Bianchi

Is it time to change service? Like Fanbox, Fantia or something else entirely?


So disappointing. Patreon ruins everything. I will continue to follow you if you decide to switch services


Patreon doing bs as usual. Subscribestar is a good alternative.


Wish every artist I like moved to subscribestar. Don't know maybe many of them think the cyberstalking and IP theft policies are hyperbole? Or just never got the memo?


I will continue to support you.


Preffer Subscribestar myself. As it's essentially Patreon minus the horrid policies and with a nice tip jar feature.


Glad to see I'm not the only one mentioning the IP theft policy.


That's a just a bandaid to a bigger problem. Better to just cut Patreon off entirely and use a different service that isn't so bad. Like Subscribestar or something.

Nuwa Nightstone

Booooo Patreon you suuuuuck Go to subscribestar and give those fucks the finger


One Alternative I've seen others use is a members discord as well. One of the other suggestions is too just not post the Lewd versions of things in the posts. Just the safer ones, make a censored version for the oned you cant fully hide,

Perry Nelson

Oh I just thought as well as I know another big artist always puts adult "character name" and they don't have the issue.


You do what you need to do friend. Staying here, moving to a different platform or w/e you have my support.


Patreon blows, move somewhere else.


An all-in-one archive won’t matter. In fact, Patreon will claim that your art being posted ANYWHERE while this page is active is a violation of their TOS. We’ve all seen this before, and now it’s just a matter of time before they delete your page. Time to start making plans to move.


Go to onlyfans! They allow it and is just like patreon uwu


:(( actually I’m planning to slowly move, I also don’t think they would stop doing it after this so, probably fanbox or subscribe star adult. But it’s also true I cannot do that in very short period. Did the other artists got these notices as well? I wonder how did they managed when it happen if you know about this. Anyway I will do my best to find another way to you guys get less inconvenient.


Yes, others have gotten this notice. Some elected to play it safe and completely stop drawing certain characters and situations, which naturally pissed off patrons. Others have tried to hide art via discord, Dropbox, etc, but as I said Patreon considers questionable art posted anywhere else, even through private links, to break their TOS. Most creators at that point say “fuck this” and move to a different service.


You need to jump ship, they will only make up rules to put you down from now on.


You might as well move to another service. This is all such BS. Your art is amazing.


Hey there any update on if you going to post a link to them ? Thanks !