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I want people to
1. move to my discord at there earliest convenience to see any and all art being made.


2. be aware that theres a very real chance this page may die. patreon is requiring me to put forward an ID. due to some legal bs thats going on with mastercard or something. given this page has existed for 10 years. I don't see my privacy being invaded as necessary to prove I'm over 18. I did it with pornhub and regretted it and got jaded due to all my shit being deleted.

If you wanna see my content (and cryo's) going forward. it may be worth moving to our subscribestar to make sure you don't miss out on discord posts given they have a bot.

if patreon chooses to back off and leave me alone ill stick around. But I'm just going to un launch the page otherwise and use the remaining money they likely won't let me withdraw to pay for others pages who are still around till its gone otherwise.

This place honestly is alot more convenient even with its banned content for posting but if im going to be strong armed im just gonna leave.


Terlron Nelson

I hear ya and do what you gotta my dood 🙏🏾❤️