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As of the 27th cryo found out his power was going to be shut off so he cant make art for a bit.


I dropped some of the info in the twitter post but the short of it is he cant afford it. I cant afford it. and he got screwed a bit by his roommate who owns the house he's in.

so he's probably going to be gone for a bit which means no 2 picks every week like before. he will be back eventually but for now. he's gonna be gone for a bit.

that being said. due to a mis communication with the commissioner. his art ended up on derpy. It that WAS going to be the next 3 weeks worth of pics (almost. I was gonna mix in some other stuff here and there because its a single set. regardless. have some links to it.)






with all that said. Ill be posting a bit more regularly (not every week) but as im finally finishing my last project and have new resources i didn't have a year ago for blender. ill be moving to blender within the next 2 months. ill be starting with images then moving into animation. so stay tuned o3o 


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