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about 5 days ago my pc refused to turn on. It was stuck on the start up logo and spinning dots. I couldn't even get to the system restore settings. I'm pretty sure a windows update corrupted my drives or somthing. Idk.

once i get my pc back I can get right back to work. (I backed up all my blender and sfm stuff i could get to. so were ok. should have all my old models and stuff. worst case. well. i hope theres no worst case. blender won't be hindered atleast.

I've started my first cockvore animation in blender. the one with starlight and celestia and daybreaker is postponed for the time being. If my drives are fucked. I might just say fuck it and do it from scratch in blender. on the bright side this means the quality will have a big jump but it is rather annoying. Heres hoping my drives are safe. won't know till geek squad calls me back.

The animation software is all in blender now so after I get comfortable. animations will return to once a month release dates. (maybe with a leap month were some stuff takes a bit longer. I'll just have to get back into the working groove.

I'll make another update in a week with pc's progress. i should have it back by then. 



About 5 days ago? Same with me. Was watching Arcane, and computer started to have a problem. Managed to get in quick enough to see if a program was updated and caused the problem. Pretty sure it was the microsoft edge update that screwed me over that happened that night. Managed to get it to restore to a certain point in time before the update and it came back But it was a hell of a problem to work out for 3 hours. Mighta happened to you too.


i don't use edge so if that was the issue id be peeved. regardless. its in the bet buy store waiting for repair. gonna use this as an opportunity to upgrade the drives and remove stupid shit that was plagueing it before (somthing about a raid. no im not gonna talk about it)

Bryce Smith

My computer been acting up to. Razer software won't launch. Ubi connect won't launch and internet having serious issues. Also telling me to delete and reinstall a .dll software