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TL;DR At bottom but I'd appreciate the read anyway if it doesn't take up your time >.<

I realize I have periods of loooong breaks. It just happens over time with me. Shit takes up my attention

the short of it is. My insurance expires soon (like as of writing this i don't even have a week left so its pretty much gone already) so we have been getting me to doctor visits, dentist visits, getting my meds that i still can while i can afford it. ect ect.

The real issue here is the dentist visits. I've gotten 5 new temp caps in my mouth in the span of 3 weeks. getting ready for the real caps. it involves grinding the tooth into a tube ish shape getting rid of all tooth decay. and its make my teeth HURT LIKE A BITCH. like omfg they hurt through out the day endlessly and ive been living off ibuprofen to stop the pain

Its made working really fucking hard when my teeth chime in with "hey time for your daily agony" and i cant even get myself into sfm right now.

That being said. I got alot of irons in the fire to finish. I got only sound left on that impreg animation (ill likely make it patron only for sound variant. im waiting on a voice actor to get back to me.)
I got the animation of celestia and daybreaker. got alot of it done the other day. the ball struggle sections mostly complete. im to absorption ish phase. after that its all final animation and then finishing starlights horrified horny reaction >:3

after that. I need to do a cockvore com and a few other things. i think there's a nip fucking thing in there somewhere as well (a seperate project)

This is a long winded way of saying yes theres content around the corner and im sorry for being so delayed in posting. after june things will be a lil annoying still but ill atleast be working. any streams will be at night when its not 100 degrees in my room (during high summer its just to fucking hot to work comfortably my rooms a converted attic space in an old home. in summer it gets HOT)

to make up for all these delays. I plan on running (after coms) a few idea/suggestion questions then doing a vote with you patrons only on what to make next. I'll toss a few of my own ideas in as well. It will be stuff I just haven't had time to do so its my own brand of lewdness (cockvore, nip fucking, cock fucking. you know. hot stuff)

TL;DR dentist visits cause teef to hurt all day and ruin work mood ;n; There's a few projects on the near horizon and hot lewds coming. Future is night streams so im not in sweltering 100 degree heat. I'm sorry for so many delays. everything I'm doing is animated and I DO plan on having a lil vote coming up cause i feel bad for such a long delay. 



Life has its ups and downs take your time