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never you worry. I'm working on stuff >:3 got this one 90 percent done animation wise. ball sway, some ending cummies and small bits here and there and its ready to export and have any final edits done to it.  (there is more detailed (and animated) wips in my server for anyone who really wants to go find them but i find most like sneak peaks but not full on looks at stuff most days so they get the full enjoyment later.

other then this I'm working on some kirin lewds, 2 animating projects 1 not started sept some posing. 2nd that just requires a cumshot. and I got alot of other things I'm sure im forgetting off the top of my head that will come to me later (like oc stuff maybe. along with the odd commission or the cockvore animation with starlight daybreaker and celestia. that one still has a bit of work needing to be done to it though. I'm back to work and I got a list of stuff to crank out o3o)



