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fuck my life. that is all.

no but really. I finished and added sound to a substar animation. saddly It cant be posted here cause its against patrons rules.

Now I'm going to do a buffer project (something fun that i like. It could be a mini looped animation. might be a pic or two) then get back into a commissioned project. the next big commissioned project is sphinx cockvoring 2 intruders in her temple owo so i hope you can look forward to that. for those of you not into cockvore the buffer project will be something worth looking forward to.

I'm also planning on animating this. cause I feel its a shame not to :O ... its a bit out of season being halloweens passed and it has flutterbat but hey. can you really complain about a hotty impregnating herself? :P even if it defies logic but who cares its porn.

I have other projects on the back burner i plan to jump to so i can have a started project to work on. Ill take this moment to also apologize again for the lack of art. The last few months have been fucking me and I really was not into the project i just finished all that much x_X

anyway if you have any questions hit me up in the comments or in pm. discord rewards will return as soon as im able to reconnect them. 



was looking for your subscribestar animation, can't find your 'site/location/page?' on it.


just look up subscribestar mrtektite


nevermind i see the issue. here just use this https://subscribestar.adult/mrtektite