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So.... ill be honest i started a new project on a slight tangent. sunburst and stellar thing will be out at some point soon but i got a little distracted by a new idea >.> its urethral ovi position with a certain changeling and a butterfly horse. wont take long to do i swear but i love ovi >.<

also. other news. the animation that has sound being added is done. ill be uploading that as soon as i have me and chemicals names added. it has all camera angles included :> should be up today or tomorrow. so thats something to look forward to.  

also a heads up. if your a patron here and patreon suddenly dissapears from existence... you might want to look up this link. for now im not sure whats going on with patreon but im a little scared... it might not be needed but better safe then sorry




You doing an ovi video???? Praise Tekky!!! Those are hardly ever made!!!


o3o i mean. if you like urethral ovi then yes. im thinking about it. we will see after my next stream.