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so i'll go ahead and leave a post here before the next month rolls around. I've still got stuff in the works. but theres not going to be anything dropped untill about at best. 2-4 days into next month at the soonest. so if you'd rather save your money this month and wait till theres an actual post to see. i understand. I've had alot of difficulty with current events to get myself into working. pretty sure im depressed but idk.

regardless. I'm going to leave a wip of my last work session in here. and also link a friends work (that i've spent the last week helping make stuff. nip fucking people will be please owo) go check out frickitclaw's work https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-frickitclaw

I've been helping him with his pics after the first one he made. the set of 4 is one project im proud of him for doing. major jump in quality from the first pic hed made a few days earlier. that and I'm helping him make some cock fucking stuff.

anyway. I'm going to leave this hear for anyone curious to what my recent animation looks like (do not watch if you don't like spoilers and would rather see the finished product)


The's are both angles that are 90 percent done. im not dead ... well not entirely atleast. just struggling. 



Looks good ^_^