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(Tl;DR at bottom, but I'd appreciate if you'd read the entire thing, if your really willing to pay me for entertainment) 

I'm still working on the nip fucking animation for anyone who joins the streams so anyone interested in that stay tuned. I'll post a few pics of the wips (I'll need to render out the progress if I'm to share that >.<)

For anyone that likes cockvore, on the 1st or 2nd you'll have a treat to enjoy o3o I hope you like the idea of a sphinx with a big dick and a tiny Somnambula having some fun owo I have a picture of ball worship with those two I need to finish as well so that's also something to look forward to :D

--------------------Other news------------------ 

This is where I'm gonna ramble a little. It might define weather your going to continue being my patron or not however. 

In the last few years. I've been having trouble getting myself to work. If I can't keep patrons around. my time as an artist will be done. I don't get a choice in the matter. I need to pay bills just like the next guy. So the fact that I'm artistically or emotionally spent is kind of the kiss of death. 

However, I know that I have the ability to make something that has taken me weeks to months in the space of a day; maybe not amazingly or extremely intricate, but I now know I’m capable of it. I spent 12 or more straight hours on a single animation from start to finish and all in a single day (for those sticking around to this next month, it's the sphinx one i'm going to release). I've never managed to do something like that in my entire time as an artist. What's more, it was with models I'm still getting used to. 

So - what's this mean? Well I'm going to throw myself as hard as I can at working for a little while.  I'm going to try and keep this going if I can. But for some projects. I know I'll not be able to keep that kind of momentum. Much like the sleep sex animation with marble. This animation was a passion project. And so it took much less time then most of what I make. 

From now on, at least probably until cyber 2077 releases cause god knows that's going to suck me in for a bit, I'm going to try my hardest to release 2 animations of 60 seconds or longer every month. and take stills as I go to bolster my creative output. I know myself. I know what my habits are and, because of that, I know this might not last long; but if it does, I'm going to ramp my output up. 

I'm also going to try to make more animations and make more long ones and more intricate ones. but they need to be passion projects. I can't bring myself to make things I care little about if im going to keep providing (They don't all have to be. but It seems to help a fuck ton). It's why I moved away from regular pony stuff though. I'd sit and dwindle in agony and boredom or frustration over models. It was hell for me. 

If you like my stuff, I beg any of you to help me. I'm inconsistent with a lot of things but I've gotten better at my art (At Least I hope) over the years. Let me know what you think. Clicking the like button on patreon posts is a great start. Leaving comments would be amazing. If you like my stuff, share it in servers, relink it elsewhere, join my discord and leave direct comments in the tier rooms. 

I feel so fucking frustrated when I do release somthing and I get 2 or 4 likes on patreon. maybe 1 comment. I realize that may sound dickish to say but when I get paid to create and no response and people just leave. I feel helpless. I'm sure some other artists would agree. In case you do feel like leaving. Make sure to fill out the other sections on those exit surveys. while creators can't see who made them. We do see your reason for leaving you list and your words (at least for those of us who know how to find them. Not like there's a tutorial on how to use this site) 

Thank you for any that read all this. Thank you for helping me get this far, all of you. Whether you have just joined or have been with me since the start of this patreon and before that even. If it was not for you all. I'd really not be an artist right now. I can't imagine being, or doing anything else at this point. 


I'm going to work harder. I'm going to make more content. 1 or 2 animations a month and more if I can ramp it up, but that's my goal for now. 1 min or longer animations. And I'd appreciate it if you could share my released work with others, be it discords or other art sites whatever. Help me before I reach the point where I'm forced to give up. Leave some likes on stuff you liked, and comment so I know what I did great, and not so great. I'm appreciative of all of you who have helped me get this far and I hope I can make newer and better things going forward for you all <3 Thanks for reading. 



I'm with you to the end Tek https://youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


I like your work its different in a great way. I dont want to see ya kill yourself over this so if you need a few days take it. I'll be here till the end 🤘


sorry you been feeling down, and I wish you all the luck to the max, cup is behind you all the way. I hope you can keep doing what you love &lt;3


You know what I'm all about. I'm going to be here to support however I can. Love yuh blueberry.


uhhh... just so were clear i'm not talking about killing myself. Ment more that If i cant continue supporting myself here I'd need to find another job. And i know from my prior time working that I won't want to do anything art related. The motivation just wont be there.


I'm saying if you can continue to do this I'll support you and if you need to move on do what's best for you. Should have been clear about working yourself to the bone over this. Didn't mean killing yourself just overwork


Momentum is always hard to maintain with anything creative I guess, hope you can find a workflow that works for you