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have some camera angles (I went to 4. I can ALWAYS render more if asked though o3o


alternate stopping camera 

alternate moving camera (close to above link) 

POV angle 

I can always render a few more angles but ill probably do them in 720p cause MYGOD 6 FUCKING HOURS TO RENDER... ;n; 




some of these links no longer work Main angle which can be found on derpi and alt moving cam


all of them are now up on pornhub. sorry. someone was reporting my stuff or somthing. have a link <a href="https://www.pornhub.com/users/mr-tektite/videos/public" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pornhub.com/users/mr-tektite/videos/public</a>


Any chance making new links to download videos of not working links without having to go to pornhub?


your asking about the 2 angles that are deleted vids right? they were flagged by someone viewing them so ill need to re upload them


That would be awesome. Also I wanted to ask about previous animations you made if you can upload those as well like the one with maud and marble, adagio and sunset, sweetie belle and fluttershy just to name a few? I can see them on derpibooru but I don't see them here to download.


Well. I suppose I could try and make a master post on megaupload or somthing. But it will take time to gather them all together. and the sweetie flutters one's were all lower quality I think


also. I cannot link things here that are incest or foalcon... sooo.... 2 of those no I cannot host here. but If I do a post like that I'll mention it on twitter or somthing. I only have so much room on my google drive for these things