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Hey there, nudies! Unfortunately, not a whole lot to show this week. Out of our four people (including me) on the crew, two of them were out this week due to health problems (they're okay now!) and the third had PC issues. The rest of the time this week was mostly spent messing around with a new update to the Godot engine that improved some elements to the dialogue engine. It's taking a bit longer than expected, and all these different health and computer problems certainly haven't helped. But I still want to keep you all updated regardless, even if it's not much to actually show.

Thanks for your patience, and see you next week!




I hope to god that’s as far as this inuendo goes, cause what waste of perfectly good produce.


Even from this small preview, I like how everything's laid out -- great views of Amber, fun bits like her idiot hair in the dialogue bubble, nice n' clean visuals overall. Hope the crew gets some rest in the meantime!

Brad and Leslie Brown

It's still pretty rough so far, and we still have to mess around with our shaders. But it's definitely a good, clean foundation!