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Hey there, nudies! Gonna be a text-heavy blog post today because damn near everyone on the team was sick as hell this week. Even one of our cats got sick this week! Whew, it has been ROUGH. But there was still progress made, so let's talk about it.

We've just about finished the first major outdoor area, the cafe and park! It just needs a little bit more texture work, and then we can call it done and start importing it into the game! I even went through and set the fixed camera angles myself. There's roughly 14 camera angles in total for this area, but you can check out these 4! No skybox or anything just yet, though we do have them already made. I think we can have this in-game by next week. I would ideally like to get it into the demo, as it's technically the first area Amber goes to story-wise, but we'll have to see! Once it's done, we'll start on the next area - the town plaza!

We also finally fixed Amber's rigging issues and she's now finally in-game for REAL, properly rigged and moving as she should! We're now working on adjusting the animations we made before to fit her new model, which I don't expect to take very long. The script was rewritten to account for what animation plays where, so we have a chronological list of animations to make. If we go in order, that means we can start rebuilding cutscenes based on when these animations get completed. Should go nice and smooth now!

We've started work on shop interiors, starting with the clothing shop first. A funny pick, considering Amber's choice of outfit. Sickness prevented us from finishing it this week, but it should be done in time for the next update. As for me, I've also made some a lot of headway into a major scene rewrite which I think you all will like a whole lot. The delays on this project have been a small blessing script-wise, because it's allowed me to go back again and again to tweak and rewrite the story into something I'm even happier with. And I'm REALLY happy with these newest edits. This time for real though, I'd like to consider this the final draft. If I rewrite the script again, I WILL go crazy. I NEED IT TO BE READ.

But that's all for now!  Now that Amber's fully functional in this new engine, things should get a lot more exciting visually. Hope to show you what I mean next week! Thank you all so much for your support! See you then!



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