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Hey there, nudies! We've got a lot to show today, including this new cutie with Amber right at the top!

This was originally a scrapped design Sweez made for the clothing store owner, but we ended up loving her so much that we decided to repurpose her into a new character entirely. And with MNL having such an amazing soundtrack thanks to Vanware, it only made sense to create a shop to buy songs from! Thus, Culo Culo Town now has a record store... and a new shopkeeper!

Of course, there's a nude version as well! $5+ supporters, stay tuned for that afterwards!

On the programming front, things have been going well with Godot! Invertex has been doing a lot of experimenting with the engine to some great results. However, it's mostly back-end stuff, not much we can show in-engine yet. We've gotten a new dialog system that's proven much faster than what we were working with in Unity. As mentioned before, we're also going to be streamlining how we do cutscenes in this Godot version. Back on Unity, we tried to be... let's say more "cinematic". We had more unique camera angles and animations, but that proved way too difficult to do in a timely and efficient manner. In this new version, we'll still have our 3D models of course, but animations will be more limited and conversations will now be done through 2D art rather than elaborate cutscenes.

And to help facilitate these new conversations, Sweez has been hard at work on 2D portraits for our characters - starting with our lovable nudist Amber!

CHECK HER OUT! Sweez did such a good job with these renders! As our protagonist, Amber will have the most portraits, with a number of different poses and expressions. Amber is a very naked person, and not just literally! She's very expressive and emotive, always completely naked with how she feels about any given situation. It's important to put the body in her body language, and Sweez has been capturing this perfectly! Some of these poses even have a number of different alternate versions to allow for different expressions!

We've already gone ahead and made some of them discord emojis, don't you worry.

We'll have more art to show you as more portraits are finished! In the meantime, Bear and I have been taking the opportunity to pretty up Amber's house with more details, including some architectural changes AND more decor!

Don't worry about that weird shadowy boobed person, that's just a model for scale. Or is it a secret shadow Amber? OoOoOo!

But yeah, don't you worry. There'll be plenty to interact with in Amber's home! There's a story behind every picture, books that you can read, TV shows you can watch, and more! Naturally, most of this is done with text, but we want the world to be as interactive as we can. In fact, we came up with a little something today to heighten that sense of interaction even further... But we'll get into that another time.

That's all for now! See you next week!



Double Deadline

Love to see the progress! So exciting! Also I love that there's a friend that Amber can nerd out and get into vinyl with. XD Super fun.


Those are some great Amber drawings! She looks so cute and sexy! Also, nice design of the record store owner.