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Hey there, nudies! Busy week for us! A particular dialogue choice has proven to need a little more work than the others due to the nature of exactly what you're choosing. We needed to make some special code as well as rewrite some dialogue, which led me to go through the entire script again and do some more tweaks. I've written some lines I'm really happy with as a result! And hopefully at the pace we're going at, you'll be able to actually read all those lines soon~

But until then, time to hit you all with yet another character reveal! Introducing... Danielle Plinking!

Danielle is the shy, clumsy, and constantly fretting secretary to Culo Culo Town's mayor. Following in the footsteps of such an eccentric leader can be quite intimidating, but Danielle's trying her best! She always seems to be hard at work during the day, constantly stressing about the town's various statistics and financial situation. Busy, busy, busy! But weirdly enough, once her shift is over, she seemingly disappears! No one knows where she goes. But coincidentally, a new challenger appears only at night near the outdoor mall...

DP! A fighting game prodigy always looking for the next battle! She's cool, collected, and ready to throw down at a moment's notice! No one knows anything about her - Not even her real name! But when Amber challenges this king of fighters, a familiar flustered feeling seems to emerge from this woman of mystery...

DP is actually one of Sweez's original characters, created way way before MNL was ever a thing! I've always loved her design though and was ready to beg Sweez to allow her to be in the game. Not only was Sweez immediately down with the idea, he but he dumped so much lore for this character that I never even knew! Thanks to that though, we've crafted a REALLY fun story and dynamic between DP and Amber. We can't wait to see her in 3D!

Naturally of course, we have nude variants as well (and some older sketches Sweez generously provided us). $5+ supporters can check that out after this post!

On top of that, Nalem has finished Mentality lvl. 5! BEHOLD, GENIUS SCIENTIST AMBER FREEMAN

Look, you need a lab coat if you're going to be a genius scientist. That's just a rule. But no one said you ever had to wear anything under it! Only a true nude genius can get away with a loophole like that!

And with that, ALL of the Amber stat animations are DONE! It was a ton of work, but Nalem pulled it off like a pro! Thank you so much, Nalem! Naturally though, this won't be the last you see of Nalem's art! We'll have more from them in the future, just you wait!

That's going to be it for tonight, though! Check out those sweet DP nudes after this post! Thanks so much for your support, and see you next week!




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Personal emergency happened earlier this month, which prevented them from giving one at the time.