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Hey there, nudies! Today's a short blog post, mostly because we spent most of this week fixing up some back-end stuff. Invertex has been tweaking the systems for these cutscenes so that characters can properly transition into idle states whenever an animation is complete, as well as adjusted the timing for when characters can perform another action once a prior animation is complete. When you make video games, you really have to make the whole damn video game! You can't take a single thing for granted!

We actually had a bit of a mini crisis this week because of these mounting technical troubles with animations, and internally we explored several possibilities that we COULD take... but then Invertex just went and fixed it all like the god he is. The ship can continue sailing as-is. I've never been so happy to scrap a proposal! Thank you, Invertex!

So, yeah. Unfortunately, fires aren't quite as interesting when they're all put out. But even while we were dealing with all that, Bear and Sweez have been hard at work on new characters! Bear has just about finished our librarian character, as you can see above! Check out these super cute screencaps!

She's so cute! Bear did such a good job transitioning Sweez's style into 3D! I think she gels really well with the other characters! We gotta pose them together soon~

But speaking of which, Sweez has been sketching up designs for the clothing store owner at Culo Culo Town's mall, and we've got a really cute design now~

We're really happy with these design, and Sweez is working on a finalized version now! Expect to see more soon~

That's all for now! Back to the cutscene building grind! With these new fixes Invertex made, it should be a lot simpler now! We'll let you know how it goes! Until then, see you next Friday~



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