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Hey there, nudies! Thanks for taking a break from Zelda to check up on us! Seriously though, I'm posting this update now because Leslie's behind me playing it.

We've had our nose to the grindstones, me and Invertex! After finishing my extensive rewrite and cutscene direction notes, I've just writing out the various optional interactables, all of Amber's little comments whenever you click on various things around the environment. My favorite part of any point-and-click adventure game is just hearing all the little jokes and fun observations characters make when you click on stuff, so I'm having a blast writing this. Invertex has also made some pretty strong headway into actually building these cutscenes! Another major bug had to be squashed, but on top of that, he's also built a system for controlling the visibility of objects in cutscenes, in case something needs to disappear for a shot or reappear when needed. Very useful stuff that's going to help a lot! We still seem to be on track for our May 28 demo release too. Just gotta keep grinding!

Now, something a little more visual! As you can see from Sweez's super cute art up there, we've got a brand new character to reveal! This cute dude is a painter working on various art pieces across Culo Culo Town. He's still early in the planning stages, but we've got some fun stuff planned for him.

This character and our previous librarian are actually retooled designs from a previous project I was a part of called NOODS, a run-n-squirt-gun lewd platformer!

Our character designer on that project, Black Label, came up with some incredible character designs for that game. It would have been a shame to let them go to waste. So with his blessing, we've brought them back to life as residents of Culo Culo Town!

Though they're not the only characters we've brought back, no no... It's time to finally reveal perhaps my favorite character of all.

Meet Dan Adler. Dan runs a hobby store selling figures and posters. The shop is funded entirely off the allowance provided to him by his wife Kim, a best-selling sci-fi mystery novel writer currently on a world tour to promote her latest book. Dan, however, is a man of very specific tastes and so far has not managed to sell much, if any, of the store's inventory. Please help support this man's embarrassingly unlucrative hobby.

While I'm sure practically none of you know who this dude is, Dan is actually a character from me and Leslie's first webcomic Blaster Nation, which is coincidentally the name of his hobby shop (note: I have provided a link to the comic, but it's also really old and I wouldn't recommend it due to embarrassment). A hardcore gamer (derogative), Dan is always eager to share his enthusiasms for the classics with anyone within hearing range.

We've always mulled over bringing back some of our Blaster Nation characters in some way or another, and I'm happy to say we finally figured out a way to do so in this 100% canonical inclusion to My Naked Life. While you won't need to be a fan of that comic to appreciate Dan's very particular charms, fans can learn a bit more about what's happened with Dan and Kim in the years since that comic's end. As for what kind of figures and posters Dan will be selling, that's gonna have to stay a secret for now.

But that's enough about that. Bear Festival is putting on some last minute adjustments to Amber's model, and Nalem has just finished the final Exhibitionism stat chibi! It's INCREDIBLY lewd and unbelievably well animated, and $5+ supporters get to see it early. Expect a post soon!

That's all for now! See you next week with more!



Stoker Bramwell

Oh that painter guy is a CUTIE! Glad you brought him back! Tbh all of those characters for NOODS were cute though (I'm especially fond of that girl with the glasses). Think there's any chance any of them might see the light of day somewhere else again?


That girl with the glasses has already been brought back as our librarian character we revealed in the last update! We also have some plans for the middle guy as well, but that'll be a later time.