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Hey there, nudies! I'm happy to report that we've made a HUGE breakthrough in our development and managed to quash those issues we were having regarding cutscenes and animation triggering. As our incredibly talented programmer tells me, it's full steam ahead now! With these issues out of the way, we'll be quickly putting together all the cutscenes that make this demo. While these tech issues definitely slowed us down a bit, things are going to be moving a lot faster now!

I'm really happy with how this has been all coming together. I managed to take the screenshot above earlier today and I'm just so in love with how this game is looking. I've also been playing around with Amber's model in Blender as a side-thing so I can learn the program more and also show off this cutie nudie to you all as much as I can. I've been posting them on our discord channel, but in case you're not a part of it, I added them to the above images!

I wish I had a bit more to show you, but we only managed to resolve this issue just today. Still, things should be getting a lot more visually exciting now that we can properly tie these animations together in-game! We do have a couple new Amber stat chibis, so $5+ supporters, be sure to check those out! They're SUPER cute and SUPER naked~

That's all for today! See you next Friday!




Baby got back!