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Hey there, nudies! So much has happened this week that it's honestly a bit hard to know where to start! All of it good, I can assure you.

Well, you may want to sit down for this. Or lay down. Preferably on your belly, like Amber's doing up there. AT's finished Petrea and Allison's animations, so now we're back to finish up Amber's remaining few. These are a bit more... involved than the previous ones, if you catch my drift. We're also making sure they can be used in a variety of different places, both indoors AND outdoors. It's important that Amber's able to relax all over Culo Culo Town, no matter what form that relaxation takes~! That said, you'll have to wait until the demo release to see. Can't show EVERYTHING now, can we?

Though AT did also whip up this cute additional sit animation. You can see this one.

Invertex has fixed up all the issues with synching up animations and dialogue, and we're back on track to getting all of our cutscenes in working order! Everything's all ship-shape now and proceeding smoothly! While he does that, we're progressing further onto the mall environment, which now has a sketch-up done by Leslie.

From my weird little grey stack of blocks and cut-out pictures to this lovingly rendered sketch-up! It's been handed off to Bear now, who's already hard at work making a real model out of this thing! This is stuff for beyond the demo, so please look forward to enjoying our outdoor mall with Amber's butt-naked self! The mall is exclusively filled with locally-owned shops that host things for Amber to do or buy. Not only that, but you can also interact with the owners/workers of each shop and build relations with them! We're already working on designing the shopkeeps now. $5+ subscribers, we'll be showing you a sneak peek at a couple of them after this! We're REALLY happy with 'em!

That's all for today! See you next Friday!



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