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Hey there, nudies! Bit of a text-heavy progress report today. AT has finished up all of Allison's animations, and Nalem has finished storyboarding the undressing sequence! We're also in talks with another animator to hopefully bring them aboard to help out with the workload! We have unfortunately hit a bit of a technical snag - our current third-party dialogue system isn't working well with Unity's own cutscene features, and it's thrown a bit of a wrench into things. Essentially, the dialogue system is operating independently of the cutscenes, meaning it's not integrated and will just keep going on its own regardless of what's happening on-screen. It's annoying for sure and has been causing a bit of a hold-up, but Invertex is confident he can get it fixed soon. And once that's fixed, it'll essentially be a massive snowball effect of us building all these scenes out hard and fast. I'm itching to write even more!

Speaking of which! Back before the management switch, we didn't actually have any sort of design doc for My Naked Li(f)e. I took the liberty of making some google docs at the time to explain my ideas for jobs and activities, but there wasn't any guideline for like, how this game would actually work. It led to some nasty surprises and heated discussions at times when suddenly the game would take a hard turn into something we didn't realize we were making. With the management switch, I wanted to make sure that everyone on the team was on the same page with exactly what kind of game we were making, so I wrote up a fairly extensive design plan as a guideline to what My Naked Li(f)e is and should be.

It's mostly designed for internal use only amongst the team (and contains big spoilers), but it covers everything from core mechanics to design inspirations to a development roadmap. It's a short read clocking in around 30 pages that I wrote to be as comprehensive and easily digestible as possible, and I made sure the entire team read over it so I could adjust it to their notes. Big pictures, short bullet points, easy ideas to get across. I know this is kind of boring and basic game design stuff, but I just wanted you to get an idea of just how serious we're taking the development of this game. We're all focused here on a singular mission - to make the cutest, lewdest, nudest game we can make!

I know we've been working on this for a while, but stuff like this really helps make a project like this feel tangible, not just some nebulous "idea" of a game but an actual thing. So I hope you don't mind me talking a little about it. If you're making a game yourself, make sure to make a design doc! Don't just keep it in your head, put on paper and share it with the team!

That's all for now. See you next Friday!



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