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Hey there, nudies! Brad here with another progress report! This one's for all tiers, because we want to show off our butt-naked progress! The new environment is imported and we've got Amber walking around in it, thanks to some incredible work by Invertex! It's still not quiiite up to where we'd like, though. Still got to figure out how we want to do lighting and shading. We also need to do something about the camera flipping around too much. But we think it's looking REAL good so far, even in this rougher state.

Right now, the goal is to get the demo in a rough but completeable state by next week. That means just putting in the bare minimum of code and getting all the dialogue up. After that's done and you can technically complete the demo, we'll be spending the rest of this month and December just polishing it up. That means making it look nicer, getting sound effects in there, and having these characters animate. And speaking of animation~

AT's been hard at work on animating our cutie nudie! We've got a bunch of cute animations from him! Do you want to see?

"No"?! What do you mean, "no"?! But... but thou must!

That's more like it! We've got a variety of different emotes for Amber to express herself with, and you can look forward to seeing all that and way more! When, exactly? Well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

But that's not all! $5 Patrons, we'll be showing you a sneak peek at a brand-new character - The Mayor of Culo Culo! Stay tuned! And for everyone else, see you next week!




It’s looking awesome!!