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Hey there, nudies! Brad here! Sorry for the slight delay, was out of commission yesterday. This week, we've mostly been focusing on UI design and trying to get our dialogue boxes looking right, which you can see up in that gif (please ignore the placeholder animation~). We decided we wanted to go with a sorta comic-booky style to compliment the art, so Nalem designed this super cute dialogue box for us. They even made this adorable confirmation icon to pop up whenever the text is ready to advance!

Rest assured, we've already added this as an emoji on our discord. We're still tweaking it to make everything perfect, but seeing the text looking so good in-game is making this whole thing feel real, you know?

Jaguar's also been hard at work on some other UI elements! We've got a working clock in, but what are these strange circles?! What could they be?! Ooooooh! Truth be told, they're all placeholder material and we're not quite sure if they'll make it into the full game. But we DO have working time and dates, and that's progress, my naked friends!

Last but not least, a small present from our 3D modeler, Bear Festival...

Cats confirmed for MNL. Pretty much everyone on the team has cats, so we're going to do some texture swapping and make sure everyone's cats are fully represented roaming the streets of Culo Culo. Bear was extremely passionate about this and just popped out a cat from nowhere. His modeling speed is amazing!

We ALSO have some new animations from AT, but unfortunately, gotta paywall them for nudity reasons. $5+ tiers, expect to see some cute nudie animations in a moment! Everyone else though, thanks for reading and see you next week!




is there a playable version yet?