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Hey nudies! Brad here with another progress report! Unfortunately, importing Amber's model into the game has led to a few unexpected problems that has taken a bit longer to fix than we would have hoped. So while we sort through that, I'd like to show off some of the progress we've made in other areas. 

First off, the very first thing you saw before reading any of this text - Allie's model is complete! Bear finished her up early this week, and she looks incredible! She still needs to be rigged up, so right now she's just in a perpetual t-posing state. But regardless, we have the prologue cast all modeled and complete! It's a pretty huge milestone for sure, and of course incredibly important for our cutsceeenes~!

Nalem has drawn a full three minutes of animatics, though sadly almost all of it is VERY spoilery. All you get is this. What has Allie so shocked?! You'll have to find out! Though seriously, this shit is so cute. As soon as the prologue is out, we'll show you Nalem's entire adorable animatic.

With Bear done with character models, he's now moved on environment modeling. Jaguar and Invertex are working hard on figuring out rigging issues to get Amber into the game and moving around without issue, but we've also been tweaking Amber's model even further! I think she's now completely perfect! Unfortunately, can't post videos on Patreon, so here's a gif instead. We'll post the video on our discord channel. Old model is on the left, tweaked model is on the right.

Both AT and Invertex have been tweaking Amber's character model to get her just right! Her breasts have a more natural droop that looks really good, her belly has been smoothed out while still retaining that cute curve, her butt outline has been fixed while being more shapely... It's a collection of little things that make Amber's whole appearance just a whole lot better! Not only that, but her rigging has been tweaked to allow AT a much easier time when animating her.

All in all, a good amount of work! Now it all just needs to go into the game itself! We hope to have some in-game footage for you all next week! See you then!




Looking forward to the in game footage!