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People on mobile or in your emails, come check this out over on the Patreon! .gifs work better over here!

Brad here with a brand-new character reveal! Introducing Petrea, the outdoorsy landlady and the owner of the townhouse Amber's renting! You can consider her a southern-fried combo of Tom Nook and Mr. Resetti for this game. Keen eyes may have spotted her in the announcement artwork, taking a confident stroll through Culo Culo! In fact, there she is below!

We'll have more to talk about with her later, but no, your eyes do not deceive you! That ol' girl is MOVING in that first .gif! I mean, that's what .gifs are for, right?! Well, good news! We've teamed up with the incredible AmateurThrowaway to bring these characters to life! As of just yesterday evening, AT will be providing animations to much of the cast and has even turned some in already! You've already seen the first one in the main post, but here's another! BAM! 

Now you may be asking yourself, why THIS character? Why are they not immediately doing animations for, say, the cute and butt-naked Amber? Well, for one, we wouldn't be able to put up a naked character in a free post. But the real reason is because Amber's model isn't done. Petrea, though? FULLY COMPLETE! (minus some rigging stuff)

We tucked Amber away for now and decided it would be better to figure out how a minor character would look completely finished before going all out with Amber. The last post made a lot of things evident about her model, and not all of it good. We may have stuck to Leslie's style a bit TOO much, and we needed to add some flair to her if Amber's going to look good in 3D. We tried to add some post-processing effects to help her pop, but it was too taxing on the hardware and slowed the game down way too much. We needed to figure out a new method if this was going to work... And you're seeing the results of our experimentation in our finished Petrea model!

No dynamic shadows, no post-processing... All of the details and shadows you see are painted directly on the model itself by our modeler, Bear Festival! With Leslie's 2D art style combined with these extra flairs by Bear to make her pop in 3D, I think we've achieved something that looks REALLY fucking good. It's like a lewd spiritual sequel to Megaman Legends (one of my favorite games of all time)! We've got amazing looking models without a single post-processing effect added! They look great AND run great, too!

We did it, nudies! Our first FINISHED character model! A minor character, but still an important milestone! Now we just need to apply what we've learned from this to Amber's model, which should only take about a couple of days! We'll see if we can't have a TRULY finished Amber model ready for you all by next week's post!

We'll be posting some behind-the-scenes stuff for our Butt-Naked Buddies in a bit. Thank you all for the support and see you next Friday!



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