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Hey nudies! Brad here with another progress report! Unfortunately, Amber's model reveal is going to take just a liiittle bit longer. The rigging is like, 99% done, but some life stuff came up with our modeler. Next week for sure, we'll be debuting that model.

This week's mostly been coding focused. Compiling builds between Windows and Android, importing text, fixing some compatibility issues with controls... All very important stuff, but sadly, not very visual. While progress is being made on the coding front, Leslie and I have been working on the town proper, stuff beyong the prologue. As we said last post, Jaguar and I have built a pretty rough-looking map. Leslie will be making a proper map from our scribbles, but first we gotta define what the locations on the map will actually LOOK like. Leslie has started drawing up concepts for key areas around town, which will then be turned into 3D models for Amber to wander around in all naked and stuff. Leslie will even be going into Blender to help smooth out the process from 2D to 3D, thanks to experience they picked up from doing the reverse with Rock Cocks! We threw up a few concept images above, including Amber's house, an outdoor mall, a street corner cafe, a bridge... Oh no! Did I include a blurry shot of the map?! Gosh, I'm so clumsy! I hope no one notices!

But yeah, next week we'll be debuting Amber's model for real (barring no further catastrophes). As Leslie builds up the locations, I'm gonna be coming up with characters to populate the city... And I might just need some Patreon help!

That's all for now! See you next week!



Dracon Atrox

Oooh, if it's possible, I would love to commission a side character based off of me!


Looks nice!