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Quite a lot has changed since the previous post. I spent the latter of April and beginning of May looking for work as my money situation has become dire. I am no longer able to dedicate full-time development. On the plus side, I will be able to start funding things again now that Patreon no longer has to pay my rent. My Patreon income is now able to be spent fully on the project.

The previous post was an attempt to restart development for Roshutsu, but the problem was much more foundational. Roshutsu was always very loosely defined, opting to forgo story in favor of creating stories through gameplay. This by itself is not a bad ideal, but to build a game entirely out of it is no easy matter. I have only learned recently that games are much more than just their mechanics.

Also after having been working on Roshutsu for almost two years, I am a little burnt out on it. Many things aligned that spurred my creativity on a new project similar to Roshutsu. This one is a more narrative-driven game about a girl who lies to her roommate about being a nudist before spending the rest of her new life in town butt-naked.

There's much more to it than that, but that's the elevator pitch. I have been dedicating my resources towards developing that, but I don't have anything yet to show at the moment. I will have more to announce soon; for real this time.



Glad to hear you’re back at the grind of development, even if it’s not a full time thing. Can’t wait to see what new project you have in store. I do have one question tho, will we ever see new updates for Roshutsu? I know you said you’re burnt out on it, but are you going to return to it ever? Is it a dead project as of right now? Whatever the case, you’re new project sounds exciting and cant wait to hear more about it! Keep up the good work!


I do want to get back to Roshutsu at some point, but I might not update the existing release. The laundry night script I wrote last month is a good starting point for where I'd like to pick it back up if/when I come back to it.